

苹果手机"VR类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:爱奇艺VR-春节贺岁每天一部3D大片、rPlayer: 全能的VR视频播放器、VR Virtual Reality 360°、VR播放器 mw(本地视频/图片)、VR Movies 3D - Virtual Reality、开飞VR、即刻播放器-刷剧看片神器、vrBox - VR播放器、笨笨VR、VR Tube: 360和3D视频等十大VR类手游排行榜

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    【海量VR视频】 全景视频:模拟体验极限运动、鬼屋探险,上天入地纵览太空、深海、世界奇观;带你开脑洞进入科幻世界;带你体验超刺激VR游戏;还有小姐姐等你来撩。 互动视频:身临其境参与故事情节、紧急时刻改变故事发展,VR的世界里,你是导演。 【精选3D内容】 3D大片:好莱坞震撼3D大片+虚拟巨幕影院=你自己的私人观影厅。 3D动漫:精选3D动漫,带你击破次元壁化身二次元角色。 【爱奇艺2D片库】 包含爱奇艺站内2D视频片库,海量视频随心看!

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    ● 支持以下视频模式: - 360° 全景视频 - 180° VR 视频 - 360° 3D 全景视频(上下分屏和左右分屏) - 2D 视频 转换成 3D 视频 - 3D 视频 (上下分屏和左右分屏) - 3D 视频情景模式(影院效果) ● 支持以下视频格式: m4a、m4v、wmv、3gp、mp4、mov、avi、mkv、mpeg、mpg、flv、rmvb、vob 等 ● VR 视频控制方式: - 头部动作控制 - 陀螺仪控制 - 手势控制 - 场视角控制 - 快速重置中心点 ● 支持播放在线视频: 通过 rPlayer 内置 web 浏览器,您可以将在线视频转成 VR 模式观看 ※ 无法播放 DRM 保护的影片 ※ ● 本地视频播放读取: - 相册内视频 - 原生App应用内视频 - 支持以三方共享方式打开视频 ● 支持的视频传输方式: - WI-FI 传输 - iTunes 传输 - SMB共享服务下载 - URL 方式播放 ● 其他功能: - 硬件解压 - 密码解锁 - 超高清视频播放 - 循环播放 - 放置设备等待 - 新视频提醒 E-mail: rplayer@126.com 无限访问会员订阅 ・您可以无限制地使用rPlayer中的所有功能。 ・订阅按月、按年或一次性支付款,具体费用按所选订阅计划而定 使用rPlayer,即表示您同意我们的隐私政策和使用条款: https://wangyuehuan.gitee.io/r-player-terms-of-service/ https://wangyuehuan.gitee.io/r-player-privacy-policy/

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    Browse tens of categories of VR videos. Explore cities as if you were visiting, take a moment to have a walk in nature, or experience past events like you were there. Privacy policy and Terms of use: http://thevirtualrealityvision.com/privacy/ http://thevirtualrealityvision.com/term-of-use/

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    这是一款前所未有的专业的3D/VR眼镜(元宇宙)眼镜专用看本地相册软件,它可以将普通视频/图片,转为全景视频/图片观看,支持本身为全景或VR全景类型的视频或 图片。 它的功能还包括:模拟多人观看的电影院场景、城市广场场景、前所未有的混合现实播放模式、 智能去除人像背景的混合现实模式,把你喜欢的人放在你房间; 支持的控制方式:可使用蓝牙遥控手柄、蓝牙鼠标、VR盒子自带按键、无按键停留控制; 普通操作方式: 双击屏幕打开相册任意图像,根据图像尺寸,默认转为全景/半全景视图,您可以切换到常规播放模式。 视频默认循环播放; 打开本地图像:双击屏幕; 播放进度:左右滑动; 控制音量:上下滑动; 暂停:单击屏幕; 放大图像:标准缩放手势; 移动图像:双指滑动屏幕;

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    在这款精美的应用程序中通过您的手机和耳机探索数百万个 3D VR 视频。 播放器特点: - 2D(普通)、3D(球形)或 VR(纸板)视频模式。 - 自动播放,不间断观看视频(无需摘下耳机即可观看下一个视频)。 - 随机播放、随机播放视频顺序。 - 背景模式(仅播放音频)。 VR 电影 3D 应用程序包含多个类别。 + 过山车系列。 + 恐怖 VR 视频。 + 通过城市的 VR 视频环游世界。 + 海底 360 度体验。 + VR 音乐视频。 + 使用 VR 耳机观看 360 度运动视频。 + VR 游戏。 使用 iTunes 或照片库导入您自己的视频。 创建播放列表以根据您的喜好组织您的收藏。 您还可以通过搜索发现任何其他内容。 支持Homido、Samsung Gear、Google Cardboard、HTC Vive等多种设备。 请将您的所有问题、建议和愿望发送至: info.nikalabgames@gmail.com 订阅条款: ● 订阅用户可以无限制地访问最高质量(高清)视频且无广告。 ● 取消订阅的用户只能观看低质量的视频。 ● 确认购买后,付款将记入iTunes 帐户。 ● 除非在当前周期结束前至少24 小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅将自动续订。 ● 本期结束前24小时内将向账户收取续订费用,并确定续订费用。 ● 订阅可以由用户管理,并且可以在购买后转到用户的帐户设置来关闭自动续订。 ● 免费试用期的任何未使用部分(如果提供)将在用户购买该出版物的订阅(如果适用)时被没收。 隐私政策:https://bit.ly/49p7Uts 使用条款:https://bit.ly/3xnlMY4

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    开飞VR是一款可观看海量VR视频的App,拥有优质的180°VR原创内容;超高清原片画质,能给你带来身临其境般的真实体验。 【海量原创VR视频,畅游超多场景】 进入开飞,你将体验到海量的原创VR视频,可以身临其境地探索各种场景,足不出户即可享受精彩纷呈的体验。 【超高清画质,臻享丝滑体验】 开飞提供超高清原片画质,让你享受丝滑流畅的视觉体验。每一帧都展现细致入微的细节,仿佛身临其境。 【沉浸式互动体验,弹幕实时交流】 在观看精彩VR视频的同时,你还可以发送弹幕,与其他用户进行实时互动,将沉浸式体验进行到底。 【自动续费会员说明】 - 订阅服务:连续包月会员(1个月自动续费会员),连续包季会员(3个月自动续费会员),连续包年会员(12个月自动续费会员)。 - 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 - 取消续订:如需取消连续订阅,请在当前订阅周期结束的至少24小时前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能,取消订阅。如未取消订阅,此订阅将会自动续订。 - 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 - 隐私政策:http://changba.com/policy.html - 自动续费会员服务协议:https://changba.com/njwap/client/autoRenew/rule/ios?wScratch=1&shouldShowShare=0 加入开飞VR官方交流群,好礼送不停~ 开飞VR官方微信助手:calfvr 开飞VR官方QQ助手:2841270299 开飞VR官方QQ交流群:429421866 哔哩哔哩:开飞VR 抖音:开飞VR 小红书:开飞VR

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    即刻播放器是一款操作简便的专业影音播放器,交互设计友好,导入文件方便快捷,支持众多影音格式,是刷剧看片的好帮手! -支持主流音视频格式( mkv、avi、mp4、rmvb、flv、mp3、mov、m4v、m4a等等) -支持VR全景360度视频,给你前所未有的开车体验! -便捷的文件导入功能(可通过文件app导入,相册视频导入,Wi-Fi文件传输等) -方便好用的文件管理功能,妈妈再也不用担心,我找不到文件了 -支持变速播放,精彩慢放高速飙车切换自如 -支持播放在线视频,远程直播通通搞定(rtmp,m3u8,http,https等) -支持众多手势操作,方便得不要不要的。左半屏上下滑动调整亮度;右半屏上下滑动调整音量;左右滑动调整播放进度;双指捏合调整视频大小。 -可以自动跳过电视剧片头,避免每次手动调整。 -完美适配iPhone和iPad -支持文件夹上锁功能,隐私内容只有自己才能查看 欢迎添加客服微信littleSmith89757反馈问题或提出建议!

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    *** vrBox播放器是一款功能齐全的vr播放器 *** 1.支持大部分视频格式 2.支持3d影片,vr影片 3.支持佩戴vr眼镜观看2d影片 4.支持访问本地局域网共享 5.可旋转播放 6.可改变显示比例 7.vr模式下,可通过倾斜手机或者划屏控制视角 8.支持调节瞳距 9.请搭配VR眼镜 10.对某些格式的支持还不完善,我们将持续改进 *** 应用内购买和订阅条款 *** vrBox播放器是一款免费的App,但您可以订阅高级会员解锁全部功能。 确认购买后,将向您的Apple ID账户收款。购买自动续费项目,除非您在当前计费周期结束前至少24小时取消订单,否则项目会自动续订,您的账户将在当前计费周期结束前24小时内收取续订费用。您可以在购买后随时在 Apple ID 帐户设置中管理或关闭自动续订。 用户隐私 -- https://www.pddy.site/privacy_policy.html 服务条款 -- http://pddy.site/user_agreement.html *** 直接从 iPhone 管理订阅 *** 通过以下步骤管理自动续期订阅 1. 打开设置 > [您的名字] > iTunes 和 App Store。 2. 轻点屏幕顶部的 Apple ID。 3. 轻点“查看 Apple ID”。 您可能需要验证您的 Apple ID。 4. 轻点“订阅”。 5. 轻点要管理的订阅。 6. 使用这些选项管理订阅。 您可以选择不同订阅选项,或者轻点“取消订阅”取消您的订阅。 如果取消,则您的订阅在当前缴费期结束后停止。 问题反馈: help@pddy.site

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    笨笨VR - 你的终极虚拟现实体验 VR内容 · 视频清晰度高达4K和8K,根据网络状况自由切换,让您尽享超清画质。 · 视频格式为VR180度左右视频,仿人眼视角,沉浸式观影体验。 · 领先的技术压缩,让视频播放流畅无卡顿,尽情畅享。 · 兼容市面上大多数VR盒子,轻松戴上一体机,尽情享受精彩视频。 笨笨VR特色 · INFO:第一视角、第一时间,带你现场感受资讯。 · VR:720°全景看世界,颠覆性多感官体验。 · 上千部VR视频、全景视频,每日更新,各类体验尽在掌握。 · 4K 3D电影、VR视频、360°影视甚至8K级别,真实虚拟现实体验。 · 原生VR播放器,汇聚娱乐内容,包括直播、演唱会、体育赛事、全景旅行、二次元、VR游戏解说等。 · 丰富多样的VR资源,包含动漫、美女、音乐、街拍、教育、旅游、美食、短视频等,让您尽情享受3D带来的乐趣。 笨笨VR亮点 1. 合作机会:您可以与我们合作或自己拍摄VR视频上传平台,展示在线教育课程、产品、创业经验、舞蹈、艺人表演等有价值的内容,通过VR视频展示更大价值,实现共赢。 2. 无缝体验:原生VR播放器支持各个姿势使用,4K/8K灵活切换,智能解码,支持3D/360°/180°格式播放,简单菜单控制,持续优化播放体验,让您尽情沉浸。 3. 丰富多样的内容:包含动漫、音乐、美女、街拍、教育、旅游、美食等多种类别,让您身临其境,享受更多3D乐趣。 4. 发掘虚拟现实的真正潜力,加入笨笨VR,展开前所未有的沉浸式旅程。 【自动订阅服务说明】 1.订阅服务: 笨笨VR VIP连续包月(1个月)、笨笨VR VIP连续包年(12个月) 2.订阅价格 连续包月产品为298元/月,连续包年产品为 2688元/年 3.付款:用户确认购买并付款后计入iTunes账户 4.自动续费:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期 5.关闭服务:您可以在苹果手机“设置”-->点击顶部Apple账户-->点击“订阅”,管理自动订阅服务,如需取消,每个计费周期结束前24小时关闭即可,到期前24小时内则不再扣费。 6.会员服务协议:https://www.agan.art/benben_member/index.html 7.隐私协议:https://www.agan.art/benben_privacy_policy/index.html

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    先进的VR播放器,用于沉浸式360°和3D视频。探索各种流行类型的内容。兼容多种VR头显。 VRTube是一款虚拟现实视频应用,可提供许多高品质的VR娱乐享受。您可以使用各种VR眼镜或耳机获得真正的VR娱乐体验。也许你更喜欢纸板版。有些人更喜欢电子版,如Oculus。您甚至可以使用此应用程序观看没有眼镜的VR视频。有很多种类的视频,跳进游戏,恐怖片,潜入海洋,看鲨鱼,女孩和过山车等等,只是为了娱乐。这些都是360°全景视频,将为您提供身临其境的体验。 特征 -VR专用视频播放器 -支持触摸和运动传感器操作 -支持用于VR的头戴设备(Cardboard,Gear VR等) -支持3D视频显示 -播放列表注册 -侧面菜单 -连续播放 -搜索候选人和搜索历史 -社交分享功能 -可以用耳机控制器操作 ·可360度自由旋转 您可以通过滑动屏幕自由控制相机的旋转 ·兼容360°,3D全景视频 它支持360度视频。通过耳机(如Cardboard和其他VR娱乐或VR眼镜)观看三维立体视频。 ·VR模式 VR娱乐模式可以使用陀螺仪传感器执行双目显示和头部跟踪。如果您激活VR模式并佩戴耳机(Cardboard,Gear VR,其他VR眼镜等),您可以体验身临其境的观看体验! ·放大 启用播放期间的缩放功能 ·播放列表 启用以创建播放列表 内容 VR娱乐有很多种。我们有可爱的动物视频可怕的恐怖视频,将让你跳出你的皮肤。我们还通过滑雪·滑雪板·跳伞和其他类似体验让您沉浸在运动和冒险中。悄悄话,乘坐战斗机,飞行无人机的航拍图像。韩国偶像团体的舞蹈电影,与女孩虚拟约会。虚拟旅游到著名的旅游景点,体验过山车等。只需享受最好的视频和体验! 如何使用 □将视图模式切换为立体声和单模式 点击VR眼镜图标以切换视图模式。 □重置旋转 在播放360°视频时,触摸目标形图标可重置旋转 □缩放 捏在屏幕上。 □播放列表 点击心形图标或点击分享按钮,然后选择保存到播放列表 关于VRTube VRTube是一个YouTube视频流应用。没有下载视频的功能。播放时应该在线(它不支持下载和离线播放)。 笔记 由于iOS系统的一个BUG,有时会出现黑屏,视频不能从0秒开始播放的情况,但可以通过点击寻物条开始播放视频。

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    VR Matkalla -sovellus on matkakaveri, joka auttaa sinua matkasi joka käänteessä. LÄHDE MATKALLE VR Matkalla -sovellus on paras tapa ostaa VR:n lähi- ja kaukoliikenteen lippuja. Valikoimasta löydät kätevät kertaliput, sarjaliput ja säännöllisen matkaajan kausiliput. Matkan aloittaminen tai jatkaminen pääkaupunkiseudulla on helppoa! Voit ostaa reitillesi HSL:n kertalipun, jolla matka taittuu kätevästi. Toimitamme ostamasi lipun sekä sovellukseen että sähköpostiisi. Voit maksaa matkasi verkkopankissa, maksukortilla, MobilePaylla, Siirrolla tai Epassilla. Jos olet ostanut lippusi kirjautuneena asiakkaana, löytyvät ostamasi liput aina myös sovelluksesta. Voit siis tehdä ostokset vaikkapa kotikoneellasi ja matkata silti puhelimestasi löytyvällä lipulla. MISSÄ HALUAISIT ISTUA? Samalla kun ostat lipun, voit varata paikkasi kätevästi vaunukartalta. Voit lunastaa itsellesi myös viereisen istumapaikan ja nauttia mukavasta lisätilasta. Luksusta matkalle tarjoaa mahdollisuus reissata Ekstra-luokassa tai parhaat maisemat takaavassa ravintolavaunun yläkerrassa. Voit samalla ostaa lipun myös matkakaverillesi, polkupyörällesi tai esimerkiksi lemmikillesi. VÄLILLÄ SUUNNITELMAT MUUTTUVAT Joskus kaikki ei mene suunnitelmien mukaan. VR Matkalla -sovelluksessa myös lipun oston jälkeiset muutokset ovat mahdollisia. Muutat kätevästi itsepalveluna niin istumapaikkaasi kuin matkasi lähtöaikaa. Tarvittaessa muutoksen voi tehdä koko matkaseurueen lippuihin. Jos olet ostanut peruutusturvan, voit suunnitelmien muuttuessa myös peruuttaa matkasi veloituksetta sovelluksessa. MISSÄ MENNÄÄN? VR Matkalla -sovellus kertoo sinulle reaaliaikaiset tiedot matkastasi, joten tiedät aina missä mennään. Saat tiedon mm. junasi lähdöstä, kulkutiedoista, muuttuneista aikatauluista, vaihdoista ja perille saapumisesta. Lisäksi näet sovelluksesta junasi palvelut ja tiedot esteettömyydestä. Mikäli joudumme perumaan junayhteytesi, ehdotamme sovelluksessa uusia mahdollisia matkoja, joista voit valita itsellesi sopivan. TIEDÄT AINA ETUSI Tarjoamme sovelluksen ladanneille herkullisia etuja junan ravintolavaunuun. Lisäksi kerromme sinulle vaihtuvista eduista, jotka tekevät matkastasi entistäkin onnistuneemman. Löydät vinkkimme ja huippuetumme VR Matkalla -sovelluksen viestit-osiosta. Sovelluksemme kehittyy koko ajan. Nyt voit myös kurkata viimeisen 12 kuukauden sisällä tekemiesi matkojen hiilijalanjäljen. Tiesitkö, että junan hiilidioksidipäästöt ovat autoiluun verrattuna 98 % pienemmät? Tule mukaan yhteiselle hiilineutraalille matkalle ja lataa VR Matkalla -sovellus jo tänään!

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    87VR社区,在这里可以看到新鲜有趣的全景视频以及刺激好玩的VR游戏,同时可以连接管理你的VR设备,手机与头显中的媒体文件互传。这里是志同道合的朋友、资深玩家、游戏收藏家、知名评测人、游戏UP主、独立开发者、硬件厂商的交流聚集地。打开87VRapp,让你的VR世界更简单。 ·优质开放的VR社区 如果你找不到兴趣相投的朋友,如果你受够了没意思的内容,如果你有VR相关的疑问,如果你想分享有趣的VR生活,如果你……,那么87VR社区是你最好的选择!开放友善的社区环境,优质的原创社区内容,活跃的各类VR人,都在87VR。 ·轻松发现好内容 海量的玩家分享内容,专业的VR游戏资讯,真实的游戏评价推荐,你可以在这里获得客观,中肯的全方位信息,覆盖画面、音效、趣味、舒适度、沉浸感,不再错过身边的优质VR体验。 ·简单便捷的VR工具 绑定VR设备,无线推送内容到VR设备,轻松分享头显中的视频、截图到87VR社区。 87VR社区还有更多隐藏功能,等你自己探索哦~ 任何问题或建议,欢迎通过App里的“意见反馈”通知我们,期待你的消息。

    大小 113.40M 类型 0
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    您是否有过很多环游世界的梦想,迫于现实无法实现?世界街景可以带你实现您环游世界的梦想!高清卫星地图,80多个国家的高清街景,功能全部免费!免费!免费! 特色功能: - 搜索:搜索全世界各地名胜 - 工具:包括测距、侧面积等实用小工具 - 随机地球:随机定位到美丽地球的某个位置 - 随机街景:随机定位到某个国家的街景 - 世界摄像头:世界各地实时摄像头监控 - 拍照:可以将当前街景以全景图的方式保存到相册 - 地球浏览:可以浏览全球高清卫星地图、道路地图 - VR模式,可以佩戴VR眼镜欣赏世界各地美景 - 历史街景:部分街景地图包含历史街景,可以切换历史街景 自动订阅续费说明: 1、付款:“连续包月/季/年”商品为自动续费商品,确认购买后,会从您的iTunes账户扣费; 2、续费:在您的订阅周期到期前24小时,苹果会自动从您的苹果iTunes账户扣费,成功后有效期自动延长; 3、取消:如果需要取消自动续费,请在订阅到期前24小时,手动在Apple ID账户设置中关闭自动续费,关闭后不再扣费; 用户服务条款: http://gpsapi.zhiyue-info.com/streetview/term_streetview.html 用户隐私条款: http://gpsapi.zhiyue-info.com/streetview/priv_streetview.html 更加详细的信息请访问:http://street.zhiyue-info.com/

    大小 103.00M 类型 0
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    ● VRPlayer can record screen/audio of your desktop and streaming it to VRPlayer via VRPlayer Helper. - to use this feature "VRPlayer Helper" should be installed and executed on your desktop. please select or add "VRPlayer Helper" item on vrplayer app and follow instruction first. - this feature is experimental for now. so there might be considerable amount of latency and unstability depends on network environment and system spec where helper is running ● VRPlayer can play not only general 2D movies but also 3D movies (half side by side or over and under) for VR (google cardboard) ● and support the following file formats. - video : mp4, mov, DRM free m4v - subtitle : smi, srt ● VRPlayer can play following file formats by real time streaming via VRPlayer Helper - Video : mp4, mov, m4v, mkv, avi, wmv, asf, flv, swf, mpg, 3gp, vob, divix - Subtitle : smi, srt ※ this app can not play DRM protected videos purchased from iTunes store. ● You can add or access following items - VRPlayer Helper (streaming server) - Folder - FTP Server - GoogleDrive, Dropbox - Video Library ※ VRPlayer Helper is embedded in your own VRPlayer app and the download URL provided by VRPlayer is your own iPhone's IP address itself not an external web server. so iPhone and the server PC should be in the same wifi network to download Helper. tap the "+"button at top right corner of VRPlayer and select VRPlayer Helper then you will see the URL from which you can download helper. ● You can control VRPlayer with keyboard - Bluetooth Keyboard - USB Keyboard (connected by camera kit) - Keyboard of PC on which VRPlayer Helper is installed ※ while navigating - up / down : move cursor by item - up / down + shift : move cursor by page - right / enter / space : select item - left / esc : back to previous ※ while playing - up / down : move cursor by button - enter : select button & do action - esc : stop & back to list - space : play & pause - right : move forward 5 seconds - left : move backward 5 seconds - right + shift : move forward 1 minute - left + shift : move backward 1 minute - up + shift : play previous video - down + shift : play next video - [ : slow down the playback rate - ] : speed up the playback rate - 1 : Toggle 360°/180° Video - 2 : Toggle VR Mode - 3 : Change 2D/3D Mode - 4 : Zoom In/Out - 5 : Back To Center / Motion Tracking - 6 : Motion Tracking Constraint - 7 : Loop - 8 : Audio/Subtitle ● You can control VRPlayer with Game Controller ※ supported controller - XBox controller - Playstation Dualshock controller - Other MFi certified game controller ※ while navigating - up / down : move cursor by item - up / down + RB : move cursor by page - right / A : select item - left / B : back to previous ※ while playing - up / down : move cursor by button - A : select button & do action - B : stop & back to list - X : play & pause - right : move forward 5 seconds - left : move backward 5 seconds - right + RB : move forward 1 minute - left + RB : move backward 1 minute - up + RB : play previous video - down + RB : play next video ● support panorama photo - enjoy your own panorama photos in VR ● Use multiple gestures to control playing - Tap the screen with two fingers to change 2D/3D screen mode. - Double tap the screen to zoom in/out. - Swipe right to skip forward 5 seconds. - Swipe left to skip back 5 seconds. - Swipe right with two fingers to speed up the playback rate. - Swipe left with two fingers to slow down the playback rate. - Long press with one finger to select audio or subtitle. - Drag & drop subtitle to change position. - Pinch in or out screen to change font size of subtitle.

    大小 113.55M 类型 0
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    天翼超高清全面升级,依托中国电信“三千兆”和“云网融合”两大优势,围绕个人、家庭、商业消费场景,为用户提供丰富的视频、游戏、VR、XR等娱乐体验,通过产品能力提升、内容品质提升、用户体验提升,满足数字经济时代人民群众对数字娱乐消费的内在需求,拉近产品与消费者的距离。 【超高清视频】 央视、卫视、地方台、体育频道高清直播,海量央视卫视高清视频资源,随时随地同步看,手机一秒变电视,随心预约随时回看,精彩不错过。 《消失的她》揭开丑恶的人性,朱一龙携手两大女神,演绎围城男女之殇,深不可测的人性,往往比真相更加可怕 ! 《茶啊二中》重磅上线!高分喜剧电影《茶啊二中》师生灵魂互换太带劲了! MotoGP世界摩托车大奖赛等众多精彩赛事直播 【VR看世界】 360全景展现中国世遗,沉浸式体验世界遗产地的魅力。 【建议反馈】 如果您在观看视频、VR内容及畅玩游戏过程中有任何不便或好的建议,您可以拨打客服电话(4008689689)或发送邮件至kefu@besttoneh.com,我们将不断改进! 【自动续费天翼超高清会员】 ——会员权益:内容特权【质】;播放权限【观看无广告】 ——订阅高清周期:1个月(天翼超优享会员连续包月产品),3个月(天翼超优享会员连续包月产品),12个月(天翼超优享会员连续包月产品) )。 ——价格:以iAP申请信息为准。 ——付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 ——取消自动续订:如取消自动续订,请取消约需左右时间管理 24 以前,Apple ID 的续费功能,在 iTunes 设置中/24 小时内取消订阅,按时收取订阅费费用; ——苹果iTunes账户会在扣费订阅前24小时内续费,扣费成功后定期顺延一个周期。 ——隐私政策:https://h5.nty.tv189.com/csite/tysx/spage/privacy-policy ——会员服务协议:https://h5.nty.tv189.com/csite/tysx/spage/hyxy ——自动续费会员服务协议:https://h5.nty.tv189.com/csite/tysx/spage/auto-renew

    大小 346.50M 类型 0
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    大小 141.38M 类型 0
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    Application Description: We created a 3D Street View map of the world. Through the mobile Internet, more people can access domestic and foreign scenery more conveniently, and it can become a navigator suitable for you. With detailed street information and accurate real-time location. 3D VR interactive attractions, enjoy a more exciting mobile digital life. 【 Application features 】 [Street View map] Stay at home to enjoy the local street view, high-definition satellite real map. There are popular scenic spots, high-rise buildings, anytime, anywhere to enjoy different scenery! You can rotate the real scene map Angle in real time by manipulating the Angle of the mobile phone. Some maps support direction change. If you can head north, south, east and west, observe the nearby scenery. [3D/2D map mode] : provide 2D and 3D map mode, as you wish to view. [VR Attractions] : VR360° panoramic immersive tour, take you to appreciate the wonders of humanity and natural beauty of the world. See the scenery, increase knowledge. [VR live video] : VR dynamic video, depicting the real world in 360 degrees Disclaimer: The application will continue to use location in the background, which will reduce battery life. Subscription Instructions: · After purchasing membership, you will get unlimited use of all functions · Weekly card membership will automatically renew its subscription at $2.99/ week upon expiration, and the automatic subscription can be cancelled if necessary; Monthly subscription will be automatically renewed at $13.99/ month upon expiration, and automatic subscription can be cancelled at any time; The subscription will be automatically renewed at $27.99/ season when it expires and can be cancelled at any time.Annual subscription will be automatically renewed at $52.99/ quarter when it expires and can be cancelled at any time · All payments will be made through your Tunes account to confirm the purchase of your weekly/monthly/quarterly membership package. VIP subscriptions will be automatically renewed, except when automatic renewals are turned off at least 24 hours prior to the end of your current subscription period. You can manage and turn off automatic subscriptions in your ITunes account Settings, see HTTPS: //support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT202039 【 Contact us 】 If you have other complaints, suggestions, questions about children's personal information, or need advice, please contact us at guest_befunz@163.com. We will review the issue as soon as possible and reply to you within 15 days of verifying your user identity. Privacy Policy:https://befun-h5.2019bf.top/streetview3d_privacy_policy.html Paid Membership Agreement:https://befun-h5.2019bf.top//streetview3d_membership.html

    大小 36.86M 类型 0
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    PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a VR Real Feel Motocross handlebar and Bluetooth must be turned on. To find out more, please visit our website: https://www.vr-entertain.com. With VR Real Feel Motocross, you'll be racing against other bike riders through stunts and jumps and twists and turns! Different courses to race, including indoor, outdoor, and even road courses! Level up and unlock new bikes with different performance characteristics, new track levels as you move up in the race campaign! - VR Motocross comes with everything you need to start racing - VR headset, and a Bluetooth handlebar for ultimate control! - Use your Bluetooth handlebars to race and unlock different motorcycles, and different tracks. - The Max Force Feedback in the handlebars lets you feel every bump and jump or when you crash into other bikes or obstacles for even more realism. - Our VR headset has a comfortable foam face, adjustable straps, and an adjustable phone cradle. Additionally, you can use our headset with your iPhone with hundreds of other free VR apps available in the App Store. - Easy setup - download the free app from the App Store. Put 3 AAA batteries (not included) into the handlebar. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone, and place your iPhone in the headset & race! HOW TO PLAY - Turn on your handlebars, launch the VR Real Feel Motorcycle App; press the Scan button to connect. *Important: In the Settings of your device, turn both Bluetooth and Location settings to ON. Then open the app and press the Scan button in the main page to connect the controller. Don't manually connect the controller in advance in the Settings/Bluetooth section of your device. For Best Performance: • Turn off other active apps on your iPhone. • Ensure Bluetooth is turned on. • Adjust the harness of the headset to fit your head • Keep your handlebars upright and play through the tutorial level to learn how to play. • After playing for 20 minutes, take a 5-minute break to avoid any feelings of dizziness. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at any time at https://vr-entertain.com/.

    大小 1077.16M 类型 0
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    海量VR全景视频,身临其境体验360°全景视频、带你体验 极限运动、鬼屋探险、海底奇观!

    大小 105.38M 类型 0
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    LYMPlayer是一款视频播放器。你能用它管理和播放视频,创建视频相册,添加本地视频,设置密码保护视频文件。支持多种视频格式的顺滑播放,支持后台画中画播放视频。 ◆ 隐私协议 http://lypplayer.com/privacy.html ◆ 服务条款 http://lypplayer.com/terms.html ◆ 联系我们 http://lypplayer.com

    大小 28.29M 类型 0
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    百科全书恐龙包含带有被遗忘的爬行动物动画的 3D 模型。 几乎所有最受欢迎的生物都取自琥珀化石并放入这个 VR 历史博物馆。观看所有永恒的敌人,如异特龙与禽龙、暴龙与三角龙或棘龙与剑龙。一切都在虚拟现实中。 历史百科全书馆特色: - 3D 动画恐龙(迅猛龙、剑龙等) - 4 个两栖动物皮肤 - 虚拟现实中的 4 个环境 - 8 种语言的历史描述(EN、ES、FR、PT、IT、DE、RU、PL) - 各种肉食兽脚亚目和食草蜥脚类恐龙 从琥珀化石中取出它们后,我们赋予它们生命。从古老的世界到我们的技术与虚拟现实一样的最新技术。 首先是肉食性兽脚亚目,因为它们是最令人兴奋的。 看看被遗忘的野兽,如迅猛龙或双脊龙。您可以在这里找到最受欢迎的爬行动物霸王龙和棘龙,它们是有史以来最危险的食肉动物。在这个博物馆你是安全的。观看所有动画。 迅猛龙攻击,双脊龙死亡或奔跑霸王龙。 在被遗忘的世界中,暴龙猎杀三角龙,它们与异特龙和禽龙是敌人。还记得异特龙的故事吗?是的,禽龙从他们身边跑过,前腿很奇怪。 你能认出他们吗? 在历史博物馆中,您将通过 8 种语言描述了解所有需要的信息。 迅猛龙比双脊龙快吗? 谁是第一个异特龙或棘龙? 谁有更好的机会禽龙或剑龙? 在琥珀化石中,我们发现了来自古代世界的其他东西。 现在是有史以来最大的食草动物的时候了。蜥脚类恐龙如腕龙或更小的剑龙和三角龙。这个神秘的巨人在数百万年前统治着地球。没有人能比腕龙更大吧?现在比较蜥脚类动物的参数。 谁是最古老的剑龙或腕龙? 三角龙跑得比禽龙快吗? 双脊龙可以猎杀小型腕龙吗? 所有这一切都来自一个小的琥珀化石。 恐龙 3D 模型。 VR 中的动画: - 吃 - 走 - 跑 - 死 - 站立 - 闲置的 - 咆哮 进入这个古老的爬行动物博物馆只需要智能手机或平板电脑。 你更喜欢肉食性兽脚类恐龙还是食草蜥脚类恐龙? 致命的异特龙还是巨型腕龙? 即使不知道这个应用程序也可以帮助您选择。 立即尝试百科全书 3D! 进入远古世界。全部探索它们。从小型迅猛龙槽可怕的双脊龙和肉食兽脚类恐龙一侧的致命棘龙。到奇怪的禽龙和装甲三角龙。 不要再等了!

    大小 307.10M 类型 0
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    Exclusive to users that don’t like complications - Play’a is the versatile Video VR Player and Viewer created to match a busy lifestyle. Whether it’s a Simple and Intuitive Interface, a very Hip Contemporary Design of the app, Playback of the downloads from the Local File Storage or Streaming Online from the Network Connected Servers, Play’a does it right and it does it with style! Navigation is the best and easy in and out of VR. Just jump on a couch and turn it on - you are ready to watch! At their fingertips, the users like you will find: 2D, 3D, flat, fisheye, 180° and 360° Videos automatically recognized 4K, mp4 playback All Video Formats Supported Intuitive user interface Shake smoothing Cinematic mode Privacy modes Hands-free mode Convenient folder navigation Picture adjustments: brightness, contrast, saturation VR Video adjustments: tilt, height, zoom, playback speed Automatic pause if the headset is removed For your ultimate convenience, PLAY’A VR supports all stereo video formats including 3D side-by-side and 3D top-bottom frame packing, as well as all the traditional video formats. Just download the app and see it for yourself ! ;)

    大小 152.59M 类型 0
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    一款可以玩占领游戏的AR导航。 开局10000金币,全靠玩家烧脑,从穷光蛋到亿万土豪,从封疆大吏到佣兵自制,开启AR占领身边真实世界。玩到爆燃,给你的怼友随时打call。 它是全国苹果零售店样机示范 App,在appstore连续多次获得精品推荐 连湖南卫视《我是大美人》何炅,吴昕都极力推荐的出行旅游神器。 在这里你不用再感受到出行的烦恼,特有的AR全息实景导航会让你瞬间找到周边的吃喝玩乐,让你方向识别不再困扰,想去哪儿旅游就去哪儿。 【产品功能特点】 -实景感知周边 智能定位,举起手机扫描四周,周边美食,电影,景点,公交,酒店,KTV实景展现,应有尽有,方便快捷 -春季周边旅游,通过AR导航将吃、住、行、乐、购统统一网打尽; -多种优惠推荐 首页精选口碑商家推荐,更有大众团购优惠等着你,精彩用户点评让你更加方便选择,旅游,景点,酒店更可直接预约 -专业公交地铁 周边交通线路地图导航,附近公交,地铁距离多远一目了然,给你最快的交通选择。 -旅游小助手 长隆,欢乐谷等旅游景区精选推荐、实时更新,所有精彩尽在掌握,酒店景点门票随时预订。 -实景3D导航 开启3D导航路线,让你有种街景导航的感觉,方向识别就是这么简单,让路痴不再迷茫。 -探索·联合 部落联盟两大阵营对立,势不可挡,探索周边区域,占领商家收取租金,扩大阵营领地,可联合占领公交,收益更多 【联系我们】 吐槽出行囧事,分享游玩乐趣, 新浪微博@随便走APP, 微信关注随便走(suibianzouapp),也可加入QQ群130518901。 客服小美女QQ:1906621696 官方网站:http://www.gogocity.cn

    大小 216.65M 类型 0
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    Mobile VR Station is a media player designed for Virtual Reality with head tracking. With this app you can view your Photos, Panoramas, Videos & Files projected onto a virtual screen floating in space. Our app supports displaying standard 2D and 3D Side By Side/Over Under content. The app can't display DRM protected content, such as content bought from iTunes. "The most feature-packed VR media player available, with editable profiles that let you adjust the viewing experience across multiple devices and VR adapters. Excellent all around!" -Quote from Manuel M, Beta Tester If you need help we provide links inside the app to view our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channel. Usages: - Works with every headset, very flexible configuration - Watch movies in a virtual theater - Watch 3D 180 Degree content. - Explore 360/Spherical movies (Great for demos). - Experience 3D content (Left/Right, Right/Left and Top/Bottom). - See your device's photos & videos in a new way. - View panoramas with some depth. - Access external video content with UPNP. - Watch HTML5 Video from Mobile Safari with Micro VR Station extension. Details: - Native App, written in Obj-C with SceneKit - Watch App for Remote control capabalities - This app is currently only available in English - Free version limits video playback to the "first" five minutes. - Supported formats: MOV, MP4 & M4V. - Supported HMDs: None (Mono), None (SBS), Cardboard, Altergaze, Firefly, Custom, .... - Cardboard QR scanner available for quick setup - Supported Devices: Any device running iOS 8.1 can install the app, but iPhone 5S/iPad Mini (Retina) and above provide a great experience. - Projections: Dome, Full Dome, Curved (Large curve), Plane (Flat), Cylinder & Spherical - Skyboxes: 47 built in options. - Profiles: Each user/headset can have their own specific configuration. - Audio: Language switching available. - Subtitles: The app can load UTF-8 formatted *.srt files, after a movie has been started - Files: Each file has its own preview icon and meta data. You can either generate a icon or upload your own. Please see the FAQ on how to make your own icons. - Bluetooth Remote: If your headset has Play/Pause & Next/Previous buttons, you can use them to control video playback. - UPNP: Basic support for viewing & downloading video & image content. Music can play if you mess with a few settings. - Other File Formats: We are researching how other formats and higher quality content could be displayed, we understand the need and want to deliver in the future. -1080P @ 60 FPS is available on 5S+ and beyond. Devices under 5S should consume 720P. - 4K @ 30FPS is available for 6S, 6S+, 5SE & iPad Pro - Support for SanDisk™ iXpand Drives - Please see the guide book for more information Tips: - If video playback starts to lockup, or a setting doesn't stick please turn your device off and on again. - It's strongly recommended to go through Training at least once and check out the help videos if you have time. - Every projection is editable, just dig into "Manage Presets" for the details. - If you really need help, ask on our Facebook page, Twitter account, or reddit /r/iOSVR/ Controls: - MFI Controller/Bluetooth keyboard support (While in VR). - When not using a HMD device buttons can be tapped. - Tap anywhere in the right eye or empty space to recenter view. - Tap 3 fingers on screen to quickly exit VR. - Support for Occipital Bridge Controller

    大小 76.54M 类型 0
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    Crisalix VR allows patients to visualize their own 3D simulations of plastic surgery in a VR environment. This is a medical app and you need to be a certified plastic surgeon with an existing Crisalix account in order to use this app. Please visit our website for more information.

    大小 101.38M 类型 0
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    Your Way, Your Views! Experience the world's biggest immersive premium content library and travel the world in 360° videos. Stream your top experiences here! Watch 360° exclusive videos showcasing the latest events, destinations, and behind-the-scenes moments! The immersive VR technology transforms you from a mere spectator into an active participant, providing you full power, control, and authenticity. You can watch immersive live streams or recorded videos with or without a VR headset on VUZ App by tapping your finger or moving a hand. You can unlock all videos by subscribing to VUZ VIP and enjoy various content across channels and categories. Engage with panoramic videos and control what you want to see from each angle in the video by the movement of your hand or the touch of your finger. Experience Virtual Reality with VUZ 360 App VUZ 360° VR VOD and Live stream app allows you to view and watch live 360° exclusive videos and channels of the latest events (concerts, music, football, basketball, racing, car drifting, water sports, and many other sports, interviews, & more), destinations, adventures, places & behind-the-scenes recorded and live streaming experiences in 360°! With VUZ, you can receive adventure and location documentary experiences as if you are really there. Enjoy your personal premium virtual reality content in a fully immersive environment! You can interact with Celebrities, Youtubers, and Influencers via voice notes or in audio rooms. First 360° Live Streaming App VUZ is the pioneer in virtual reality in the world and the leading 360° VR app. Access a vast array of premium content available in 360° with a VUZ VIP subscription. VUZ VIP subscription is offered with the following subscription plans: monthly, quarterly, and yearly. VUZ VIP membership benefits: • Ads-free videos anytime, anywhere • Unlimited access to a massive collection of 360° content • Exclusive live events in 360° with multi-camera angles • 10% discounts on selected merchandise • Get 1000 points upon VIP subscription, which can be spent within the App Popular 360° VR Content Categories: • VR Sports: Latest sports matches, events, interviews, and shows in an immersive virtual reality environment! • VR Entertainment: New entertainment, performance, celebrity shows, interviews, and talk shows in VR! • VR Concerts: Popular pop stars and music concerts in virtual reality and live streaming, experience in real time! • VR Art: Latest performance and installation arts in virtual reality events, museums, and live events! • VR Cars: New cars, fast or luxury cars videos in VR to feel you are seated in the car! • VR Travel: Travel the world in virtual reality like you are there! • VR Influencers: Meet the most rad influencers and creators on VUZ! To stay updated about the most recent news, blog post and latest features, follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/360VUZ/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/360vuz?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/360vuz/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/360vuz Terms & Conditions: https://vuz.com/privacy-policy EULA: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/

    大小 230.10M 类型 0
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    如视 VR 是一款功能丰富、简单易用的三维空间采集App,简单几步即可实现空间的完整复刻,自动生成可供浏览、分享、营销使用的VR链接,获得在VR场景内的沉浸式观览体验。 如视VR现已支持多种拍摄方式: #手机拍# 超越想象的简单,只需一部手机,随时随地都能以VR记录空间 【自动生成】 无需任何技巧,跟随系统引导,轻松拍摄,自动处理; 【三维模型】 当你的拍摄足够完美、点位足够丰富时,能够获得完整规范的三维模型产物,让你的空间记录更加有趣; 【高清漫游】 堪比微单的图像画质,手机也能拍出完美质感,空间原色还原,四级无损加载,让纤毫细节都能震撼呈现; 【空间编辑】 在可漫游的VR空间中,可完成打标签、马赛克、调整滤镜、设置视角等功能; 【分享转发】 支持微信、微博、链接等转发方式,传递丰富信息; 链接浏览记录更可实时呈现,重塑你的私域流量; #专业拍# 【Realsee G1】 搭载如视手机云台,普通手机也能拍出高达1.34亿像素的全景画面 【伽罗华】 毫米级误差,专业空间测量设备 【全景相机】 适配市面主流设备 如视VR现已被贝壳、自如、索菲亚等超过200个品牌,广泛应用于地产销售、文旅数字化、施工记录、设计师量房、线上营销、医疗教学等场景。 快来开启你的VR全景之旅吧~~

    大小 486.78M 类型 0
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    ● VRPlayer can record screen/audio of your desktop and streaming it to VRPlayer via VRPlayer Helper. - to use this feature "VRPlayer Helper" should be installed and executed on your desktop. please select or add "VRPlayer Helper" item on vrplayer app and follow instruction first. - this feature is experimental for now. so there might be considerable amount of latency and unstability depends on network environment and system spec where helper is running ● VRPlayer can play not only general 2D movies but also 3D movies (half side by side or over and under) for VR (google cardboard) ● and support the following file formats. - video : mp4, mov, DRM free m4v - subtitle : smi, srt ● VRPlayer can play following file formats by real time streaming via VRPlayer Helper - Video : mp4, mov, m4v, mkv, avi, wmv, asf, flv, swf, mpg, 3gp, vob, divix - Subtitle : smi, srt ※ this app can not play DRM protected videos purchased from iTunes store. ● You can add or access following items - VRPlayer Helper (streaming server) - Folder - FTP Server - GoogleDrive, Dropbox - Video Library ※ VRPlayer Helper is embedded in your own VRPlayer app and the download URL provided by VRPlayer is your own iPhone's IP address itself not an external web server. so iPhone and the server PC should be in the same wifi network to download Helper. tap the "+"button at top right corner of VRPlayer and select VRPlayer Helper then you will see the URL from which you can download helper. ● You can control VRPlayer with keyboard - Bluetooth Keyboard - USB Keyboard (connected by camera kit) - Keyboard of PC on which VRPlayer Helper is installed ※ while navigating - up / down : move cursor by item - up / down + shift : move cursor by page - right / enter / space : select item - left / esc : back to previous ※ while playing - up / down : move cursor by button - enter : select button & do action - esc : stop & back to list - space : play & pause - right : move forward 5 seconds - left : move backward 5 seconds - right + shift : move forward 1 minute - left + shift : move backward 1 minute - up + shift : play previous video - down + shift : play next video - [ : slow down the playback rate - ] : speed up the playback rate - 1 : Toggle 360°/180° Video - 2 : Toggle VR Mode - 3 : Change 2D/3D Mode - 4 : Zoom In/Out - 5 : Back To Center / Motion Tracking - 6 : Motion Tracking Constraint - 7 : Loop - 8 : Audio/Subtitle ● You can control VRPlayer with Game Controller ※ supported controller - XBox controller - Playstation Dualshock controller - Other MFi certified game controller ※ while navigating - up / down : move cursor by item - up / down + RB : move cursor by page - right / A : select item - left / B : back to previous ※ while playing - up / down : move cursor by button - A : select button & do action - B : stop & back to list - X : play & pause - right : move forward 5 seconds - left : move backward 5 seconds - right + RB : move forward 1 minute - left + RB : move backward 1 minute - up + RB : play previous video - down + RB : play next video ● support panorama photo - enjoy your own panorama photos in VR ● Use multiple gestures to control playing - Tap the screen with two fingers to change 2D/3D screen mode. - Double tap the screen to zoom in/out. - Swipe right to skip forward 5 seconds. - Swipe left to skip back 5 seconds. - Swipe right with two fingers to speed up the playback rate. - Swipe left with two fingers to slow down the playback rate. - Long press with one finger to select audio or subtitle. - Drag & drop subtitle to change position. - Pinch in or out screen to change font size of subtitle.

    大小 110.17M 类型 0
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    吃鸡模式的战游戏,需要配合 VR 手柄和 VR 杰游眼镜设备才可以正常畅玩。

    大小 551.53M 类型 0
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    实际上用无人机拍摄! 观看奖励广告可让您观看5分钟内容并删除广告! 通过VR电影和照片探索世界,发现不同的旅游景点!下载“虚拟旅游360:虚拟现实VR网站之旅”,这是一款令人惊叹的3D虚拟现实之旅或VR应用,适用于您的IOS设备。 你想在舒适的客厅中体验世界之旅吗?你在寻找一个最好的VR应用程序?那么,你很幸运。虚拟旅游360就是这样!通过使用这个应用程序,你可以在你自己的方便的虚拟现实视频,VR电影或照片中看到你最喜欢的旅游景点。借助Virtual Tourist 360,您可以360度旋转并观看这些VR电影或照片。 虚拟旅游360是一个完美的应用程序,为喜欢全球不同旅游景点的人们。但即使你没有计划去任何地方去,你可以参加一个伟大的虚拟现实之旅,并在VR视频或照片中看到这些网站。该应用程序还提供了这些旅游景点的大量或定期的图片和电影,您可以选择并享受您自己的选择。 目前该应用程序的应用领域是:台湾,澳门,新加坡,青岛,香港 主要特征: •通用应用程序,针对所有IOS设备进行了优化,包括标签•令人惊叹的VR电影,可用的VR图像•您可以360度旋转并看到它们•在家时可以看到世界的机会•免费下载和安装 那么你准备在360度虚拟之旅中探索不同的VR城市和旅游景点吗?你最好! 下载“旅游360:虚拟现实VR网站之旅”,玩得开心 如果您想在应用程序中看到它们,您可以为我们提供任何360或常规视频或照片。我们真的很感激。请随时通过t_iphone_app@yahoo.co.jp与我们联系,并提供该应用的任何照片或视频。 请不要忘记留下我们的评论和评级,让我们知道您对我们的VR应用程序的看法。您的反馈对我们继续为您的IOS设备提供最好,最有趣的应用程序非常重要。 – 有关订阅的自动续订性质的以下信息 • 出版物或服务名称 对于每一种语言, 1类别(图像) 2类别(图像&图像VR) 3类(图像&图像VR&视频) AllCategory(IMAGE&IMAGE VR& Video & VR Video) • 订阅时长(时间段和每个订阅期内提供的内容或服务) 1个月 • 付款将在确认购买时记入 iTunes 帐户 • 除非在当前订阅期结束前至少 24 小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅会自动续订 • 帐户将在当前期间结束前 24 小时内收取续订费用,并确定续订费用 • 订阅可由用户管理,购买后转到用户的帐户设置可关闭自动续订 • 免费试用期的任何未使用部分(如果提供)将在用户购买该出版物的订阅时被没收(如适用) – 使用条款的链接 http://riyoukiyakumarioka.blogspot.com/2018/03/marioka-1.html – iTunes Connect 隐私政策 URL 字段中的隐私政策链接 http://privacypolicymarioka19880309.blogspot.com/2018/03/marioka-1-ip-ip-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4.html

    大小 34.70M 类型 0
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    VR Killer Zombie Zwar is a tremendous achievement in the genre of VR gaming that lets you a play combines with stunning, HD quality graphics that let you explore a virtual world while playing in the comfort of your own home. Your mission is to spot zombies around and kill them do not kill survivors. Hold your breath & Pull the machine gun trigger in this real-life amazing 3D graphics, controls and animations, this game gives an exhilarating and thrilling experience to complete this mission Features - Compatible with virtual reality glasses and gamepad. - Realistic 3D graphics with dynamic lighting and amazing killing effects. - Multiple advance shooting guns. - Real zombie movement and killing effects. - Thrilling missions that will amaze you. - Real attractive Environment

    大小 104.41M 类型 0
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    VR 照片查看器隆重登场 - 触手可及的沉浸式现实体验! 使用 VR 照片查看器体验照片查看的新维度! 将您最喜爱的记忆转变为 3D 世界,并以前所未有的方式深入其中。 无论是度假风景还是特殊的家庭场合,您的照片都将在令人惊叹的虚拟现实环境中栩栩如生。 特征: * 身临其境的 VR 体验:利用 VR 耳机或仅使用手机的陀螺仪控件以 360° 视图探索您的照片。 * 轻松导航:通过直观的触摸控制进行滑动、缩放和平移。 * 高品质渲染:以令人惊叹的高清品质欣赏您的照片,并针对 VR 耳机和移动设备观看进行了优化。 * 支持 Cardboard 耳机:与大多数 VR 耳机兼容,包括 Cardboard 型耳机,带来轻松愉快的体验。 入门: * 导入照片:从您的设备导入照片。 照片必须是等距圆柱投影。 * 在 VR 中探索:戴上 VR 耳机或使用移动设备深入查看照片。 立即下载 VR 照片查看器,走进您的回忆! [Privacy Policy] https://aceca.co.jp/privacy/privacy-vrphoto.html [Terms of Use] https://aceca.co.jp/terms/terms-vrphoto.html This application includes Apache License, Version 2.0 work. This application use icons related to below site. https://icons8.com/ Note : Please use this application at your own risk. I can not be held liable or responsible for any damages caused by using this application.

    大小 30.51M 类型 0
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    【简单高效】 软硬件自动连接、一键拍摄,1分钟自动生成环物效果,10分钟自动生成3D模型 【适用广泛】 支持连接多种尺寸环物采集硬件,衣帽箱包、玩具手办皆可拍 【功能丰富】 多种拍摄参数自由调节,手动/自动拍摄适配多种场景 【灵活采编】 内容云端存储,手机/PC灵活编辑,多端多格式展示

    大小 27.52M 类型 0
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    720云做为行业头部平台一直致力于为VR全景制作创作分享及应用提供一站式服务,包含VR制作,3D漫游、VR直播、VR看房、数字沙盘、VR全景社区等 全景相机一键直连,拍摄全景从未如此简单。 VR全景适用场景:户型装修、商业营销、地产销售、设计师量房、体育赛事、医疗教学,影视文化,旅游、VR可视化、产品展示、水电施工VR记录等等 VR看房解决方案:适用于房产平台、房产中介、新房顾问等等 VR内容聚合平台:720云致力于成为中国青年全景创作者的成长平台,超过60万+的伙伴们加入720云大家庭 。在这里,发现全景摄影同好,结识全景创作者大咖,提升创作技能,掌握VR资讯;在这里,我们鼓励原创和分享,帮助每一个伙伴成长。 在这里,玩转全景从未如此简单! ——————————————————— ◈ 应用场景◈ 1、查看全景创作社区,国内外优秀作品在线浏览,寻找和你一样热爱全景的创作者 2、APP编辑功能升级,编辑作品更方便,省去大量电脑操作 3、首页搜索全景作品,从海量创作中激发创作灵感,助力你的创作 4、720漫游(工具2.0) 更专业的全景制作工具使用体验更丝滑

    大小 238.69M 类型 0
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    把握数字时代新浪潮,面向用户提供中国移动咪咕元宇宙生态板块业务展示体验交流的统一入口平台。 咪咕公司依托5G +算网底座及科技创新优势,服务战略性新兴产业和未来产业发展,构建高品质元宇宙产品能力矩阵,提供平台级的元宇宙新产品、新服务、新组合能力,创新TO B/ G、TO C的元宇宙商业价值探索与落地的新业态、新模式。 ——高品质元宇宙产品矩阵—— 数智互动、数字空间、数智人 ——解决方案—— 整合能力、面向行业、提供组合型产品一站式服务

    大小 551.46M 类型 0
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    PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a VR Real Feel Racing steering wheel and a Bluetooth enabled device to play. To find out more, please visit our website: https://www.vr-entertain.com. This app is FREE to play. *Important: In the Settings of your device, turn both Bluetooth and Location settings to ON. Then open the app and press the Scan button in the main page to connect the controller. Don't manually connect the controller in advance in the Settings/Bluetooth section of your device. ---------------------------------- VR Real Feel Racing is the only mobile virtual reality gaming system that gives you control with a real steering wheel to accelerate, brake and steer with Max Force Feedback to feel the vibrations in the wheel when you bump other racers or the wall! • Experience stunning 3D high definition graphics with your iPhone with our VR headset. • 4 different cars with different performance characteristics to choose from, and 8 different tracks, each with 4 different layouts to learn and master! Race, win and you’ll earn Star Points to unlock additional tracks and track layouts. • With our Bluetooth steering wheel, you can steer, accelerate and brake for ultimate control! No more tilting your head to turn - this is the way virtual reality racing was meant to be! The Max Force Feedback in the steering wheel lets you feel when you bump into other cars or walls for even more realism. • Our VR headset has a comfortable foam face, adjustable straps, and let you use your iPhone with hundreds of other free VR apps available in the App Store. • Easy setup - download the free app, put 3 AAA batteries into the steering wheel (not included). Place your iPhone in the headset & get ready to race! As seen in Huffington Post, Forbes, Associated Press and more. “Inexpensive Virtual Reality Racing” – Huffington Post “Top Toys to Watch in 2017” – Forbes “Did we mention this is real VR?” – TTPM HOW TO PLAY - Turn on your steering wheel start up the VR Real Feel Racing App; press the Scan button to connect, and then hit Go! For Best Performance: • Turn off other active apps on your iPhone. • Adjust the harness of the headset to fit your head • Keep your steering wheel upright for the best steering • After playing for 20 minutes, take a 5-minute break to avoid any feelings of dizziness. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at any time at https://vr-entertain.com/.

    大小 847.58M 类型 0
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    SnapLearn brings Reading and Learning to Life with Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR, VR)! * Discover AR Books --- Experience storytelling in a whole new way * Explore VR Worlds --- Immersive 360 degree tours of virtual expeditions * Collect Daily Hatches --- Learn fun facts with 3D pets and virtual toys * Coloring Comes Alive --- Watch your creations and characters pop up 3 easy steps to get started: i) Download the SnapLearn app for FREE, ii) Activate* your SnapLearn enabled product by scanning the barcode, iii) Snap and watch the content comes to life! *Or simply browse our library of 3D edutainment content for FREE! Find out more or get in touch with us with your feedback and enquiries: Website: www.SnapToLearn.com Email: hello@SnapToLearn.com Subscrible to Premium membership and get unlimited access to exclusive content first hand at a value price deal. By subscribing to 'SnapLearn', you get the following: - Save more as compared to purchasing books individually - Access to new 3D Models each week - Be one of the first to get access to new AR books - VIP support You can choose three subscription options with different period of time. Subscribe 1 month, 3 months or 1 year and subscription costs range from $9.90/$23.80/$71.30 as accordingly. If you choose to purchase 'Premium' Subscription through iTunes Store, your account be charged upon confirmation of purchase. Your subscription will auto-renew every monthly/quarterly/yearly unless you turn if off 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. You can turn off auto-renewal at any time from your iTunes account settings. No Cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during an active subscription period. If you don't choose to purchase subscription, you can simply continue using 'SnapLearn' for free.

    大小 272.19M 类型 0
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    Now everyone can create VR! Create, view, and share virtual reality. You can use your own 3D models or 3D models from others. Works with SketchUp, Blender, 3D Studio, exports from Minecraft, and more. Features: - View 3D models and 360 pictures and movies in VR - Supports SteelSeries Nimbus game controller - Supports Wonky Monkey controller - A second iOS device can be used as a controller - Share your creations using email Summary: - Store your 3D content in the cloud - Link this app to the 3D content - Compose a scene and enjoy it in VR - Navigate using a game controller or a second iOS device - Share your compositions with others Supported formats: - Collada (DAE) ** - Wavefront (OBJ) - mp4, mov, jpg, png (used as background for your scenes) - supports 360 panoramas. ** Make sure your models are triangulated when exporting to Collada. Refer to the Support URL for more information about the functionality of this App

    大小 19.08M 类型 0
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    可观VR提供海量精品VR视频,带你体验虚拟现实世界,一同可见未来。 【强大的VR播放器】 全能专业播放器,支持全景、3D/2D视频格式,不管是看3D大片还是VR视频,都能随心所欲掌控自如; 【优质VR视频内容】 海量VR视频、全景佳作、3D大片、全景交互体验应有尽有;每日精选推荐最优质、新鲜的VR内容,每天都有新惊喜! 聚集国内领先优质原创VR团队作品,领跑VR最新潮流,给你不一样的交互、不一样的体验! 【本地传输在线播】 一键传输,支持从电脑和手机相册导入视频,可选VR视频/普通视频模式,让你的设备秒变看片儿神器; 不同,所以大不同。

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    '태양계로 떠나는 여행' VR(가상현실) -HMD (폭풍마경,카드보드,구글데이드림 등이 있어야 가상현실을 더욱 실감나게 체험할 수 있습니다.) *폭풍마경 사용을 권장합니다. -사이언스레벨업 사이트에서 http://sciencelevelup.kofac.re.kr AR 스토리를 체험 후 VR을 보시면 더욱 즐겁고 이해도 높은 체험을 하실 수 있습니다. ■콘텐츠 스토리 초등 5학년 과학의 '태양계와 별' 중, 태양계의 구성과 특징을 학습할 수 있는 VR콘텐츠입니다. 포포카를 타고 태양에서부터 해왕성까지 탐험하며 각 행성의 특징과 모습을 관찰해 보세요. 과학천재 포포가 태양계 이웃들에 대해 재미있게 설명해 준답니다. ■AR 버전 '태양계로 떠나는 여행' 바로가기 http://sciencelevelup.kofac.re.kr/virtualReality/detail?course_cd=POS001&contents_idx=83&current_page=1 ■"AR/VR로 체험하는 와그작 사이언스" 과학에 대해 궁금한 이야기들을 AR(증강현실)과 VR(가상현실)을 통해 실감나게 체험해 볼 수 있도록 구성된 과학 시리즈 콘텐츠입니다. 포포, 푸름, 새롬이와 함께 과학여행을 떠나보세요. 더 많은 와그작 사이언스 콘텐츠는 아래 링크에서 확인 가능합니다. http://sciencelevelup.kofac.re.kr/virtualReality/list?course_cd=POS001 ■학습 문의-한국과학창의재단 http://www.kofac.re.kr/ 02-555-0701 ■기술,콘텐츠 문의 - (주) 서커스컴퍼니 http://circusar.com like@circusar.com 02-6261-2330

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