苹果手机"dc类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:DC网-买菜买水果安心送到家、DC Certified Community、盯潮-抢鞋x潮流x圈子、DCTimer² 魔方计时器、GOAT – 全球正品风尚平台、Adobe Acrobat Reader:PDF 编辑器、DC Business、FOX 5 DC: News & Alerts、SKR达人-潮流发售监控、DC (par Digital Campus)等十大dc类手游排行榜
- 1 排名
DC网是一款为超万家社区门店提供一站式供应链系统解决方案的APP。作为三农服务共享平台,DC网打通产地、物流、销售通道,线上线下并行,为门店/代理商/项目方实现便捷、精准、高效的经营环境。 【品类齐全,一站获取】 生鲜水果、肉禽蛋、水产海鲜、米面粮油、休闲食品、日用百货等,一站可采齐 【源头直供,优势明显】 基地和厂家直供,产品信息获取直接,时间、价格、产品质量优势明显 【千万会员流量,多渠道获客】 千万会员十万社区团长,线上线下共同运营,互助转化,互补经营,营业额和品牌双重提升 【实现数据化,高效管理】 通过平台大数据分析、优化、反馈、管理,用户可制定系列营销策略,匹配目标用户喜好,获取持续好口碑,提高购买转化率 【工具多样,使用便捷】 批发、预售、秒杀、团购、直播等形式有序切换,可操可控,使用便捷,助力快速拓宽销路 【专属客服,培训扶持】 1对1客服,无忧售后,用户可在商学院接受系列培训,实现拉新、转化、裂变等技能提升,提高门店运营系统化和标准化 【联系我们】 客服电话:400-669-8559 微信公众号:dianchouwang
大小 210.01M 类型 0评分 - 2 排名
Are you a DataCamp learner who has successfully completed our Data Scientist or Data Analyst certification? Then join our invite-only community now! On this app you'll be able to interact with certified learners around the world and access exclusive content created just for you. It's a space where we'll host special events to help you upskill, get the job of your dreams, and be at the forefront of the data industry. You can share your work and connect with others, as well as start and participate in discussions in our forum. Plus, ask questions and get the support you need from other certified learners. If you're at the beginning of your data learning journey and for more about getting certified, search for the DataCamp: Learn Data Science app.
大小 100.25M 类型 0评分 - 3 排名
-----盯潮APP----- 为核心潮流玩家而生 -----主要功能----- 发售日历——随时随地查看全球球鞋发售动态 全网比价——精准对比全平台出求价把握行情 潮流资讯——全球各地潮流时尚讯息一手掌握 潮品档案——球鞋潮牌历史发售详情应有尽有 个性通知——按照兴趣城市获得精准信息推送 补货通知——第一时间得到各大网站补货信息 -----社交媒体----- 新浪微博:盯潮 微信公众号:盯潮 抖音:盯潮 【自动续费会员】 -- 会员权益:全球监控、突袭提醒、限定活动、会员群组、专属客服等 -- 订阅周期:1个月(月卡会员连续包月),3个月(季卡会员连续包月)、12个月(年卡会员连续包年) -- 订阅价格:已iAP申请信息为准,例如月卡会员连续包月为每月25元 -- 取消订阅:如需取消订阅,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能 -- 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期 -- 隐私政策:https://oss.dingstock.net/app/privacy.html -- 用户协议:https://oss.dingstock.net/app/agreement.html -- 自动续费会员协议:https://oss.dingstock.net/app/autorenewagreement.html
大小 193.01M 类型 0评分 - 4 排名
DCTimer² 是为魔方爱好者设计的计时软件,提供各种打乱公式、统计、实用工具等。 - 支持所有 WCA 官方项目和打乱状态图查看,以及其他非官方打乱等 - 支持 WCA 观察和启动延时,成绩修改 +2 或者 DNF - 多分组管理,显示当前最快和最慢成绩,统计各轮滚动平均和最快平均,分组平均等 - 提供成绩分布直方图和趋势折线图查看 - 可求解三阶十字/Xcross,SQ1 复形等 - 支持多种手势操作,如向右轻扫切换打乱等 - 支持 iOS 13 深色模式,可更换背景颜色或者背景图片
大小 1.80M 类型 0评分 - 5 排名
GOAT致力于为用户打造全时代的风尚购物体验,单品选物横跨过去、现在和未来。 选购来自世界各地的新品及二手球鞋、服装和配件。探索限定及新品发售、最新联名、稀缺古着和典藏单品。物流配送现已支持170个国家及地区。 -发现全球品牌- 来自众多街头、设计师和奢侈品牌的超过200万款商品,其中包括 Nike、Air Jordan、adidas、Yeezy、New Balance、Off-White、Gucci 等等。 -紧贴每次发售- 以合适的价格购买适合自己的商品。追踪发售日历,及时获取通知,保存热门穿搭单品并生成报价。 -获取穿搭灵感- 选购街头潮流穿搭,AR 虚拟试穿球鞋,品阅《GREATEST》杂志。每期对话新兴设计师和行业资深人士,了解时尚、艺术、音乐、设计、创业和其他领域的最新动态。 -尽享无忧购买- 探索全球一线精品店、商家和精选卖家的型格单品,每笔订单均享买家无忧保障。 您可以通过以下方式了解更多GOAT相关信息: 官方微博:GOAT官方微博 微信公众号:够特 微信小程序:够特线上店 GOAT官网:https://www.goat.cn/
大小 142.64M 类型 0评分 - 6 排名
Adobe Acrobat Reader 是世界上最受信赖的 PDF 阅读器和 PDF 编辑器,安装人数已突破 6.35 亿。查看、共享,以及为文档添加注释、评论和电子签名等功能——一应俱全。您可以随时随地联机保存和查阅文档。 **内容更新** Adobe Fill & Sign 应用程序的各种功能现已加入 Adobe Acrobat Reader。填表、签名、发送各类表单等操作快捷可靠。您甚至可以拍下纸质表单并通过手机或平板设备进行填写,并在添加电子签名后再发送。操作流程十分简单:无需实物表单、无需打印、无需传真。 获取 7 天免费试用资格,全面体验 Acrobat Reader 的所有功能。 订阅高级会员服务后,您还可以编辑 PDF 扫描文档中的文本和图片,甚至能够使用 PDF 转换器合并或组织文档及转换 PDF 文件等等。功能多多,等您体验。 高级会员功能: 编辑 PDF • 使用我们的 PDF 编辑器直接在 PDF 中编辑文本和图像(仅限移动设备)。 • 利用 PDF 编辑器功能修正拼写错误或添加段落。 • 轻松添加、删除或旋转图像。 利用 PDF 转换器合并和组织 PDF 文档 • 使用 PDF 转换器拆分文件或合并多个文件。 • 使用 PDF 编辑器在 PDF 文件中插入、删除、旋转、裁剪和重排页面。 创建、转换和导出 PDF 文件 • 轻松将各类文档转换为 PDF 文件——包括 Microsoft 文件、 Google Docs 和图像。 • 导出 PDF 文件并将其转换为 Microsoft Word、Excel、PowerPoint 或图像文件(jpg 和 png 等格式)。 压缩 PDF 文件 安全性高 • 压缩 PDF 文件以减小文件大小,便于保存和共享。 • 通过添加独立密码保护 PDF 文档。 立即订阅即可访问以上所有功能,跨手机和网站平台畅快体验 Acrobat。 免费功能: 查看和打印 PDF • 使用 PDF 阅读器打开并查看 PDF。 • 选择单页或连续滚动模式。 • 可直接从您的设备打印文档。 共享 PDF 并展开协作 • 共享文件以进行评论或查看。 • 收集和回应多人在同一文档中添加的评论。 • 接收共享文件的活动通知。 • 使用 @mention 标签邀请和添加非合作者。 在 PDF 中添加注释 • 添加个性化便利贴、评论,以及高亮显示文本。 • 直接在 PDF 文档中编写和手绘内容。 • 与他人共享文档以在同一处收集所有评论。 填写与签署表单 • 使用表单填写功能轻松填写 PDF 表单。 • 使用手指或触控笔为文档添加电子签名。 存储和管理文件 • 登录您的免费帐户,以跨设备存储和访问文件。 • 关联 Microsoft OneDrive、Dropbox、Google 云端硬盘等联机存储帐户,以访问所有文件。 • 为文件添加星标以快速打开重要文档。 PDF 阅读器关联 Google 云端硬盘 • 轻松访问 PDF 和其他文件。 • 查看、共享 Google 云端硬盘文件并为其添加星标。 • 订阅后,可创建、编辑、压缩和导出 Google 云端硬盘文件。 处理已扫描的文档 • 访问使用免费的 Adobe Scan 应用程序捕获的扫描 PDF。 • 在 Adobe Acrobat PDF 阅读器中打开扫描文档,以填写、签名、添加评论和共享。 Acrobat Reader 移动设备应用程序旨在为已启用企业移动管理 (EMM) 的用户服务。 条款和条件: 使用本应用程序受 Adobe 一般使用条款约束 http://www.adobe.com/go/terms_linkfree_cn 与 Adobe 隐私政策 http://www.adobe.com/go/privacy_policy_linkfree_cn 不得出售或共享我的个人信息 www.adobe.com/go/ca-rights-linkfree Adobe Acrobat Reader 让您实现移动办公。您可以使用我们的 PDF 编辑器查看、填写、签署、共享 PDF 文件。处理 PDF 文档从未如此简单。
大小 346.55M 类型 0评分 - 7 排名
Быстрый и легкий контроль вашего бизнеса. Открытие расчетного счета Эквайринг ККМ (контрольно-кассовые машины) Корпоративные карты и зарплатные проекты Система быстрых платежей Если вы столкнулись с проблемой в мобильном приложении или у вас появилась идея по улучшению работы мобильного банкинга. Пишите нам: tamos.dc.tj
大小 24.16M 类型 0评分 - 8 排名
News doesn't wait, why should you? Take FOX 5 DC everywhere you go! Our app connects you with top stories in and around Washington DC— complete with breaking news alerts, live video, and real-time weather forecasts. We cover topics that matter most to you including local & national headlines, weather, sports, traffic, politics, entertainment, food, education, crime and so much more. NEWS & VIDEO - Breaking news delivered as fast as it breaks - Livestream newscasts daily - Up-to-the-minute streamlined content display for a user-friendly experience WEATHER - Hourly conditions and 7-day forecasts - Interactive radar 24 hours a day - Fresh video updates from FOX 5’s meteorologists GOOD DAY - Catch up every morning and watch what you missed - Exclusive content on your favorite segments including Cooking with Como, Lights! Camera! McCarthy!, and Zip Trips - Browse delicious recipes for dinner, lunch and breakfast WATCH. FOLLOW. ENGAGE! Follow us on: - facebook.com/fox5dc - instagram.com/fox5dc - twitter.com/fox5dc Our News App provides you the option to enable specific geolocation tracking for precise location-based advertisements (review our Privacy Policy for more information on our use and sharing of location information). We may work with mobile advertising companies and other similar entities that help deliver advertisements tailored to your interests. For more information about such advertising practices, and to opt-out in mobile apps, see https://www.fox5dc.com/ad-choices. You may also download the App Choices app at https://www.aboutads.info/appchoices.
大小 109.04M 类型 0评分 - 9 排名
=====欢迎使用SKR达人====== 这是潮流达人们必备的软件,通过大数据分析,第一时间为您提供NIKE、ADIDAS等热门潮流商品的发售及补货信息!通过推送服务,APP会在发售和补货的时候第一时间告知您相关信息,助您原价买到心仪的球鞋! 快来体验吧!
大小 35.60M 类型 0评分 - 10 排名
L’application Digital Campus est réservée aux étudiants de Digital Campus. Vous retrouverez les informations utiles dans votre quotidien étudiant à Digital Campus.
大小 42.94M 类型 0评分 - 11 排名
Get award-winning global reporting from The Washington Post. The app is free to download and keeps you informed with expert coverage from Post journalists. PRODUCT FEATURES • Stay informed with the 24/7 feed of today’s news. • Wake up with The 7, a better morning briefing on the day’s most important and interesting stories. • Customize your alerts to be the first to know when news is breaking. • Catch up with today’s stories by listening to original podcasts and audio articles. • Discover something new in My Post, a curated feed with recommendations just for you. • Dive deeper into Post journalism with innovative graphics, video, and augmented reality exclusives. SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS • Options: Download the free app and enjoy a limited number of complimentary stories each month. Get your first month of unlimited access for free, and only $11.99/month thereafter for your digital subscription. • Extras: Your subscription to The Washington Post lets you access The Post from all your devices, on the web and in the app. Premium subscribers also enjoy a bonus subscription to share and exclusive eBooks written by our journalists. • Payment: Payment will be charged to your iTunes account with the confirmation of your purchase. • Auto-renewal: Your subscription will auto-renew for $11.99 each month unless you cancel 24 hours before the end of the current subscription period. The auto-renewal can be turned off at any time in the Account Settings section of the App Store. Please note, you will be unable to cancel your current subscription during an active subscription period. • Free trial: Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable. • Privacy policy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/privacy-policy/2011/11/18/gIQASIiaiN_story.html • App Privacy information displayed below applies to users on iOS 14.5 or higher • Terms of service: https://www.washingtonpost.com/terms-of-service/2011/11/18/gIQAldiYiN_story.html • CA notice of collection: https://www.washingtonpost.com/privacy-policy/2011/11/18/gIQASIiaiN_story.html#CALIFORNIA • Do not sell my info (CA residents): https://www.washingtonpost.com/my-post/privacy-settings/
大小 76.02M 类型 0评分 - 12 排名
Новый электронный кошелёк DC Next, с современным дизайном и новыми возможностями. Решайте ваши ежедневные задачи в любом месте, где есть интернет. Просто, удобно, 24/7. Возможности приложения: • Отправлять и получать денежные переводы; • оплачивать сотовую связь, интернет, ЖКХ и более 200 других услуг; • переводить деньги мгновенно по номеру телефона; • отслеживать историю платежей и переводов; • получать бонусы в кафе и супермаркетах; • пополнять и отслеживать поездки City Card; • быстрый поиск и покупка билетов; • удобный способ покупки лекарств с доставкой на дом; • перевозка грузов в любую точку мира. Если вы столкнулись с проблемой в мобильном приложении или у вас появилась идея по улучшению работы мобильного банкинга. Пишите нам: tamos.dc.tj
大小 101.13M 类型 0评分 - 13 排名
Washington DC Metro and Bus is the region's most popular dedicated DC transit app. Realtime rail and bus predictions and DC Metro map directly from WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority), ART (Arlington Transit) and DC Circulator, serving Washington DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland. -Realtime DC Metro Rail predictions (Next Train) for every Metro station in the Washington DC region with auto refresh direct from WMATA. -Realtime DC Metro Bus (Next Bus) predictions for every Metro bus stop in the Washington DC region with auto refresh direct from WMATA. -Realtime data for ART bus (Arlington Transit) -Realtime data for DC Circulator buses. -Serving the entire Washington DC Metro area. -Location based Metro station finder to locate Metro stations nearby. -Location based bus stop finder to locate Metro bus stops nearby. -Mapping for Washington DC Metro rail stations and bus stops. -Save commonly used Metro stations and stops into your Favorites list for easy access. -Look up DC Metro bus stop predictions directly by the bus stop number. -Check to see if WMATA is broadcasting any rail alerts or disruptions. -Access the WMATA DC Metro map to plan your route. -Realtime Capital Bikeshare information. View bike, e-bike and dock availability at all surrounding Capital Bike Share stations. -And of course, FREE Upgrade with a Premium Access subscription and get rid of the ads. You must have network access to use these resources. This app is not published, sponsored or approved by WMATA. Terms of Use (EULA): https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
大小 42.92M 类型 0评分 - 14 排名
21Moves 可助你在 3 分钟内完成魔方还原 — 这是最为简单易用的魔方还原工具。 与 40 万魔方爱好者一起使用 21Moves: • 在 21 步之内还原魔方 / • 锻炼肌肉记忆以提高还原效率 / • 按照设备上的视觉说明进行操作 / • 练习顶级问题解决技巧 / • 改善注意力 / • 学习如何辨别模式 / • 免受挫折困扰 / • 记住解法 / • 加速 / 在 iPhone 或 iPad 上获取 21Moves 应用并扫描魔方的 3D 模型,即可使用能帮助你更快还原魔方的分步视觉说明。 ▶ 只需 2 个简单步骤即可开始魔方还原 ◀ 1.使用 iPhone 或 iPad 相机扫描魔方当前状态的 3D 模型。 2.通过设备屏幕查看魔方的 3D 可视化模型,了解最高效的还原方式。 ▶ App Store 用户评论 ◀ • “我的魔方乱成了一锅粥,这款应用只用了 20 步就帮助我把它还原了”。 • “天呐噜,竟然真的有用!我还以为是骗人的...厉害!非常感谢!” • “我的魔方乱成了一锅粥,这款应用只用了 20 步就帮助我把它还原了”。 • “不到两分钟就能让你的魔方回到最初的样子”。 • “[...]我试用了一下,确实有用。其实我一直很怀疑网上的这些魔方还原工具,不过这款应用真的是出类拔萃”。 • “[...]简单、优雅、用户友好、适合所有年龄段的用户,而且还能让你感觉自己是个天才!” ------------ 有些疑问或反馈意见?我们会仔细阅读每一封邮件与每一则评论。欢迎通过 nico@opitas.io 或 https://bit.ly/3hoFQkN 联系我们,体验五星级客户服务。 免责声明:所有公司名称(Rubik'S Brand Ltd)均为其各自持有者的商标或注册商标。使用这些信息并不意味着我方与之有任何关联,也不表示其支持我方行为。 使用条款:https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
大小 157.33M 类型 0评分 - 15 排名
宇宙法则被打破,我们的星球受到外星机器人的攻击。紧张刺激的动作体验触手可及。超级恶棍与机器人联手。 您准备好进行史诗般的战斗了吗?一场令人兴奋的冒险正在等待。掌握超级英雄的力量并接受挑战。我们的世界需要人类的救世主,超级英雄是唯一的希望。请记住,您的服装只需单击一下即可。从不公正战争的超级英雄与超级恶棍的范围内进行选择。从各种武器和超能力攻击中进行选择。 邪恶的外星军队机器人部队想要奴役生活在地球上的人类,他们雇佣了黑手党领袖和暴徒来控制城市和人民。我们的未来正在被破坏;一切都被接管了,警察,军队。这是一个开放的世界游戏,没有规则,没有法律,没有限制。这是真正的善恶恶棍传说之间的直接战争。利用美妙的一生机会并伸张正义。 神力选择了一位超级英雄,一颗纯洁的心,一颗真理的灵魂来反击。他被赋予了神圣的超能力。如果你有接受挑战的意愿,那就成为英雄并享受超能力。不要忘记!你被分配了通过消灭所有邪恶的恶棍、外星机器人和黑手党来拯救城市和地球的任务。 超能力 飞上天空,即使有眼镜蛇直升机,也没有人能逃脱正义 电磁闪光绳是你爬上墙壁杀死敌人的武器 气垫板飞得很快以追逐敌人。 超级攻击 面对boss反派和外星机器人时使用“电磁火吹” “激光电闪”攻击远距离摧毁敌方直升机 “霰弹枪”攻击对战 冲刺追逐,格斗解决并使用火球杀死歹徒 敌人 超级反派 外星军队机器人 眼镜蛇直升机 黑手党帮派、歹徒和射手
大小 145.35M 类型 0评分 - 16 排名
Super Fist不仅仅是一个打扮成其他超级英雄出现并追捕罪犯,怪物和超级恶棍的家伙,而且他也是这座城市可以拯救所有人的最后希望 他有一个朋友叫警察,她是个天才,她和超拳一起帮助保护城市。 超级恶棍总是想出新的计划来抢劫或摧毁城市。 超级恶棍想要摧毁城市或接管城市,他们之间唯一的事情就是拥有无限权力和能力的超级拳头。 超级拳头拥有超级力量,他必须从超级恶棍手中拯救他的城市。 他可以飞,可以跳高,从他的手和大拳打雷。 超级拳头不仅可以从犯罪分子手中拯救城市,还可以保护城市免受外星人的攻击。
大小 268.29M 类型 0评分 - 17 排名
龙拳不只是一个装扮成其他超级英雄出现并追捕罪犯、怪物和超级反派的家伙,而且他也是这个城市可以拯救所有人的最后希望 他有一个朋友叫佐伊,她是天才,她和龙拳一起帮助保护城市。 超级恶棍总是想出新的计划来抢劫城市或摧毁城市。 超级反派想要摧毁城市或接管城市,他们之间唯一的就是拥有无限力量和能力的龙拳。 龙拳拥有超能力,他必须从超级恶棍手中拯救他的城市。 他能飞,能跳得高,用他的双手和重拳制造雷霆。 龙拳不仅可以从犯罪分子手中拯救城市,还可以保护城市免受外星人的攻击。
大小 280.96M 类型 0评分 - 18 排名
#背景故事# 宇宙黑暗势力来袭,邪恶的魔王萨诺思带领他的手下企图杀死一半的宇宙生物。传奇英雄们组成正义联盟竭尽全力阻止萨诺思。波澜壮阔的史诗级远征序幕由此展开… #游戏概要# 在这里,您可以和数百万玩家一起召唤传说英雄、搭配策略阵容、组建梦幻联盟,探索丰富多彩的冒险玩法、远征平行宇宙世界!您将成为全宇宙的传奇帝王! #游戏特色# 【轻松放置】 随时离线放置挂机、自动收集传说资源!设置你的梦幻阵容,你的英雄战队将为你自动战斗!随玩随停、轻松放置,每天10分钟也能获得传奇装备和史诗英雄! 【策略搭配】 六大阵营100多个传奇英雄,数百种独特技能和史诗装备随你搭配!请充分发挥你的策略才能来打造梦幻阵容!操作简单,轻松享受游戏乐趣! 【丰富玩法】 RPG关卡、召唤英雄、无限远征、遗迹冒险、梦幻竞技场、幻想副本、游戏联盟、平行宇宙等!丰富的游戏玩法,你将与联盟好友们嗨翻天! 【平行宇宙】 全新、梦幻的PvP、GvG、KvK玩法,你可以召唤你的英雄们征战平行宇宙世界!收集能源液建设基地、训练士兵远征各类怪兽、抢占芯片实验室获取史诗装备,打造一支强力军队参加跨服国战,你将成为全宇宙的传奇帝王! 【海量福利】 登陆就送100连抽、升级就送VIP、首抽必出史诗英雄,新英雄每天送,海量福利、传奇装备等你来拿! 还在等什么?赶快来下载《末世大作战:放置英雄-Idle RPG》吧,与你的联盟好友们一起驰骋远征平行宇宙! #联系我们# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Idle-Battles-1635110626787952 Discord: https://discord.gg/c4KmwMc Email: idlebattle@moyuplay.com
大小 222.00M 类型 0评分 - 19 排名
DC严选批发是一款可实现批量集采的农产品交易APP,为用户打造一个生鲜农产品购物商城,方便用户了解产品信息、行业信息,为用户批发购物带来便利。 DC严选批发包含了生鲜水果、农产品批发、肉禽蛋、水产海鲜、米面粮油、休闲食品、日用百货等,入驻用户可以一键批发;形式包含现货和预售,用户可自主选择;同时平台也可以浏览各种农产品行业动态,实现了线上批发线下配送,同时具备客户购物、查询订单、搜索商品、行业资讯、会员注册登录等多种功能。 DC严选批发以便捷的浏览方式、强大的应用功能,最新的资讯信息,为广大客户展开了一个丰富的副食品行业画卷,时时刻刻为您更新,让您爱不释手。 【联系我们】 客服电话:400-669-8559
大小 94.75M 类型 0评分 - 20 排名
Angkor DC is the first digital cinema in Cambodia. This streaming service provides the opportunity to Cambodian people around the world to watch Cambodian films in their own place no matter where they are, any time you like. Angkor DC gives Cambodian films a wider audience, in Cambodia and abroad - building a stronger local film industry and creating more opportunities for Cambodian film producers, actors, actresses, and all film crews. This wider audience will help raise film quality. You are offered a simple payment option for your convenience With Angkor DC, you do not pay for the movie you do not watch! You get the best value for your money!
大小 54.26M 类型 0评分 - 21 排名
Enjoy entailing fighting in Titan Phoenix: Justice Knights- the realistic and amazingly-exciting arcade fighter super hero game. Control the Titan Phonix - one of the most iconic super hero duos to fight in battles and defeat evil villains. Alternatively, join your friends in multiplayer story co-op! Villains with various power and weapons attacked the city lead by their bosses. The Titan Phoenix superheroes duo is the only thing that can stop the rise of darkness.. Can you help in the fight against evil? It’s time to defeat the increasing number of dangerous villains. Start your amazingly exciting fighting adventure with Titan Phoenix! DEFEAT THE EVIL VILLAINS IN THRILLING BOSS BATTLES An amazing arcade nostalgia gameplay is brought to modern times with the most beautiful realistic graphics and the most dramatic sound effects for yours and your friends ultimate satisfaction. Play a campaign, arcade or start a multiplayer story co-op. With simple on-screen joystick for moving, jumping and fighting with your hero character on this arcade action game, you need to defeat the evil villains in awesome boss battles. Compete with your friends in a multiplayer arcade! VARIOUS GAME MODES, HINTS AND HEALTH PACKS On this multiplayer arcade you can choose to play various game modes to test your skills such as the campaign mode, the multiplayer mode and the arcade mode. Challenge yourself or compete against other players, start new games or continue playing games you’ve already started, all possible with this multiplayer game. Also, the super hero fight game offers you hints to help you progress and get further and health packs that you can collect to help you heal when it’s need. UNLOCK NEW AREAS TO FIGHT IN AND GET THE HIGHEST SCORES By progressing and getting further in the arcade game you can use your achievements and scores to unlock new areas to fight in, keeping you interested in playing and hooked to this exciting and realistic arcade fighting game. Challenge yourself and your friends to play this action arcade and try to defeat all the evil villains on your way to become the ultimate hero and win the highest scores on the multiplayer arcade. TITAN PHOENIX: JUSTICE KNIGHTS FEATURES: - Amazing arcade nostalgia game play brought to modern times - Beautiful and realistic graphics - Join your friends in multiplayer story co-op - Compete with your friends in multiplayer arcade - Defeat evil villains in awesome boss battles - Multiple game modes - Unlock new areas to fight in - Hints and health packs to help you progress - Get the highest scores to become the ultimate hero - Free superhero fighter for download --- Download one of the most amazing action arcade super hero games in 2018! Fight in battles, compete against friends and try to defeat all the evil villains on the way. Download Titan Phoenix now on Appstore for FREE!
大小 239.40M 类型 0评分 - 22 排名
Historic Washington DC Tour is your personal, pocket-sized guide to the city’s most famous and lesser-known historic sites. With this app, you can dive into the rich tapestry of Washington DC, uncovering the narratives that have shaped the nation. Our app provides you with detailed and carefully curated self-guided walking tours, letting you explore at your own pace. Navigate the city with ease using our interactive GPS-enabled maps. Each location comes with a comprehensive description, engaging audio narration, and interactive Photo Galleries. From the awe-inspiring Lincoln Memorial to the quaint streets of Georgetown, the Historic Walking Tours Washington DC app includes a wide range of tours catering to different interests like Civil War History, Presidential Landmarks, Architectural Wonders, and much more. Whether you're a history buff, a curious tourist, or a local discovering the layered history of your city, Historic Washington DC Tour is designed to enrich your experience and understanding of this incredible city. Discover the stories behind the stone and the individuals who made history where you stand.
大小 1.02M 类型 0评分 - 23 排名
如果你热衷娱乐,希望了解最新的娱乐资讯,比如行尸走肉、星球大战、或是其它电影电视剧以及游戏类内容,FANDOM App都将让你与之保持同步! 在这里,你可以阅读各大娱乐头条新闻,关注粉丝社区内容,包括新闻故事、wiki文章、流行视频、社交讨论、以及FANDOM上的粉丝原创内容,等等。 功能 - 选择和关注您所热衷的各种娱乐话题,比如Netflix上的流行电视剧,或者漫威最新发布的电影,亦或者热门的Xbox游戏,等等 - 追踪各大流行视频、新闻评论、原创故事、社交讨论以及网站独家内容 - 深入阅读您所关注的FANDOM粉丝社区原创内容 - 通过讨论版功能参与社区话题讨论,和其他粉丝进行交流 - 实时接收您最喜爱社区上的重大讯息 - 通过电子邮件、短信、Facebook、Twitter、WhatsApp等工具轻松地与朋友分享文章 请注意,当前新闻类内容只支持英文版。
大小 75.70M 类型 0评分 - 24 排名
Washington DC Metro is the navigation app that makes travelling by WMATA transit in Washington DC simple From the Lincoln Memorial to the Smithsonian, cheering on the Washington Redskins or rooting for the Maryland Terrapins, whether you’re a Washington DC native on your commute to work or sightseeing fresh from Washington Dulles International Airport we’ll show you the best way to get where you’re going in Washington DC. We make taking the Metro easy. You’ll be a SmarTrip tapping pro in no time Tap, tap, tap! Pan and zoom your way across Washington DC with ease using our simple, interactive maps. We’ll even show your route on the map Plan journeys, sharpish Search for stations and find your way using the world’s fastest route planner No internet? No problem Maps and journey planning even work offline Regular map updates Auto-magic updates keep our maps always up-to-date and box fresh Every step of the way Step-by-step guide means you’ll never get lost again Save your faves From finding your way back home, to taking the stress out of commuting, and all the places in-between. Your personal Shortcuts are never more than a swipe away See the next trains Departure Boards take the guess work out of travelling. No more wasted time stuck on crowded platforms Washington DC Metro VIP features: An ad-free experience Proper VIP treatment, with no ads, ever Priority support Problem with the app? We’ll be there to help you out We’re the world's number one for transit apps, check out our world-famous Tube Map London, New York Subway Map and Paris Metro Map apps today Visiting Boston, Toronto or New York soon? We’ve got you covered there too. Take our apps with you, just search Mapway on App Store Washington DC Metro VIP available as an in-app subscription: $1.99 monthly or $4.99 annually, or as a one-off purchase of $12.99. Prices may vary by location. Cancel at any time, for any reason. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, at the cost of your chosen price tier. Subscriptions can be managed and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to Account Settings in your iTunes Account. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when a subscription to that publication is purchased, where applicable. Read our terms in full at mapway.com/terms
大小 53.08M 类型 0评分 - 25 排名
Introducing the Difference Card Smart Mobile App! This free app from The Difference Card will deliver a unique experience like no other. In addition to providing on-the-go access to your Difference Card account, the mobile app will assist you by: - Guiding you through your healthcare journey with personalized recommendations - Exploring low-cost, high quality healthcare options you may not have known existed - Making smart healthcare spending and saving decisions with the use of a virtual medicine cabinet - Helping you submit a claim quickly and easily with the snap of a picture In addition, you will have access to helpful mobile tools such as viewing your account balance and transaction details on-the-go, viewing pending claims, and accessing important messages from The Difference Card. For security reasons, you will need to register and create an account, even if you have already registered on The Difference Card website. When using the app for the first time, you will be guided to take some important actions, such as specifying chronic conditions, loading your virtual medicine cabinet, and adding your health insurance provider. This will provide a truly personalized mobile app experience! Making a difference in your healthcare decisions with the Mobile Smart App from The Difference Card!
大小 29.14M 类型 0评分 - 26 排名
Design Championship is an interschool completion held across different cities for students to showcase their talent. The competition will be held across India in 8 cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Madurai, Coimbatore & Kochi. Students from all over India are eligible to participate in this competition. The competition encourages the students to think out of the box and prepare them for the future. It emphasizes on finding solution on the real world problems. Using the 21st century tools, students create visual prototypes by thinking creatively. The overall outcome is development in Problem Solving, Design Thinking, Effective Communication and Decision Making Skills. Design Championship is diverse yet a fun and beneficial form of learning. Students get exposed to Brainstorming sessions & Online self learning session guided by industry experts. Learning Benefits Design Championship gives students a chance to reignite their creative side and introduce them to software skills that will benefit in future. Participants will be exposed to Logic development Problem solving Creative thinking Motor skills Decision making skills Design thinking Artistic literacy Critical and strategic thinking Effective communication STEAM implementation
大小 1.99M 类型 0评分 - 27 排名
Specific for DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Based on the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DRIVER MANUAL. This application is professionally created for the people who want to save their time, prepare in a couple of hours and pass the District Of Columbia Driver Knowledge Test on the first attempt. This application runs on the iPhone/iPad/iPod and doesn't require an Internet connection. You can download this helpful application and use it anywhere when you have a free moment. FEATURES Choose convenient way to study: - Flashcards. - List all questions. - You can manage what topic(s) you want focus on. - Hide questions what you already know and focus on the rest. These tools help you cover all topics and questions very fast Test yourself: - Take the Washington D.C DMV STYLE TEST generated by the application. - Run a Marathon Test. This test includes all available questions and covers all topics. These tools help you polish your knowledge and give you the experience of the real test. Overview: - This application collects statistic and provides a tool to display information about your knowledge level of each topic, so you can evaluate your real progress. Also, you can practice driver permit test online for FREE on the website: https://Driver-Start.com DOWNLOAD. PRACTICE. PASS.
大小 35.75M 类型 0评分 - 28 排名
In the same beauty of simplicity as the DC Open booklet, the DC Open App is an art guide for easy-to-use orientation during DC Open from September 1 to September 3. Providing information about the exhibitions in galleries, museums, instituttions and off-spaces as well as images, texts and customizable maps, the DC Open App puts the simple discovery of Cologne/Düsseldorf’s art scene in your pocket! DC Open stands for Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries, a joint opening weekend in both cities, celebrating the tenth anniversary of its founding this year. From September 1 to September 3, fifty-five galleries will show the year’s exhibition highlights. With the start of the art season in the fall 2023 — jointly organized by galleries from Düsseldorf and Cologne — the Rheinland will again become the center for current art events. DC Open is both a weekend for art-lovers as well as an international meeting point for professional art makers. After ten years, the DC Open shows that the Rheinland is stronger than ever: galleries, the traditional, liberal community of art collectors, the diversity and number of major museums and institutions, and lively off-spaces all contribute to the acclaim of this art region.
大小 11.78M 类型 0评分 - 29 排名
DCのサプリは、確定拠出年金(以下、DC)の資産運用に関する参考情報を提供するロボットアドバイザーサービスで、あなたのDC運用を応援します。 スマートフォンから気軽にDCの運用状況を確認できることに加え、いくつかの質問に答えることで、目標利回りをシミュレーションし、その目標利回りに応じた資産配分の例示もいたします。 ※本アプリは、第一生命が確定拠出年金制度の運営管理業務を受託する以下の加入者さま向けスマートフォンアプリです。 ・本アプリの利用契約を締結している企業の企業型DC加入者さま、運用指図者さま ・ミライデコ、Vプランαを選択された個人型確定拠出年金(iDeCo)の加入者さま、運用指図者さま --------------------------------- 【DCのサプリの特長】 ■アプリから簡単に運用状況の確認が可能 ■質問の回答内容に応じた目標利回りをシミュレーションし、その目標利回りに応じた資産配分を例示 ■配分変更などの手続きをスムーズに実施可能 ■一人ひとりの運用状況にも応じたタイミングでお知らせを発信 【DCのサプリの主な機能】 ■運用状況の確認 アプリをタップするだけで、最新の運用状況が確認できます。 ■2種類の運用診断 ①リスク許容度診断 いくつかの簡単な質問に答えると、自分のリスク許容度が判定され、そのリスク許容度に見合う目標利回りを明確化し、その目標利回りに応じた資産配分が例示されます。 ②ゴールアプローチ診断 あらかじめDCにおける積立目標額を定め、その目標額を到達するために必要な目標利回りを明確化し、その目標利回りに応じた資産配分が例示されます。 ■運用診断結果をもとにした配分変更手続き 運用診断結果画面から、そのまま運営管理機関の配分変更手続き画面に進むことができます。 ■各種お知らせ 一人ひとりの運用状況にも合わせ、DCに関する様々なお知らせが適切なタイミングでスマホに通知されます。 【ご注意】 ・ログイン時には、加入者口座番号とパスワードが必要となります。 ・当アプリの対応OSバージョンは、iOS11以降となります。 ・運用指図者さまがご利用可能なメニューは、一部機能に限定されます。
大小 61.41M 类型 0评分 - 30 排名
Leave your inhibitions at the gates of hell... Our Truth or Dare app is the best way to get funny, unexpected confessions out. Our infernal dares will make you sweat! ▸ Play Truth or Dare for free! ▸ Learn a naughty thing or two about your friends ▸ Unleash their dark side ▸ Several game packs with hundreds and hundreds of truths and dares with no repeats. Pack 1 ◆◆ "True Angels" ◆◆ The easiest pack, perfect for kicking off the game with some lighter, varied questions. Pack 2 ◆◆ Demonic ◆◆ Extreme challenges for the most possessed! You'll hear screams after every question... Pack 3 ◆◆ Naughty devils ◆◆ The game will start taking a naughty turn now with some risqué dares! (for adults) Pack 4 ◆◆ Meet me in Hell ◆◆ The legend says that nobody returns: direction Hell with trashy truths and hot dares!!! Pack 5 ◆◆ Adam and Eve ◆◆ Are you more of an angel or devil in bed? Truths and dares made just for spicing things up with your lover. In addition to free content, in-app purchases are available in this Truth or Dare app. Nobody should force a player to do a truth or dare they're uncomfortable with. ________________________________________ Premium pack & features subscription: Our Truth or Dare offers one auto-renewing subscription option: $3.99 per week. Once you've confirmed your order, the payment will be charged to your account, with the right price for your country. The subscription will automatically renew at its end date. You can stop the automatic renewal any time. To avoid the renewal, cancel it at least 24h before the end date of your subscription. No refund is available for unused time. Terms & conditions: https://www.applicationiphone.info/truth-or-dare-dirty-games-terms-conditions/ Privacy policy: https://www.applicationiphone.info/truth-or-dare-dirty-games-privacy-policy
大小 83.07M 类型 0评分 - 31 排名
The new DC Airports app gives you all the information you need to travel to and from Reagan National Airport (DCA) and Dulles International Airport (IAD) in one app. - Search or scan boarding pass to receive push notifications on your flight - Access all concessions information and their locations in the airports - Reserve parking at DCA and IAD on the app to ensure you have a space and get a special mobile app parking discount - Easily access US embassy contacts around the world - Book hotels, rental cars and flights and Book package travel bundles for greater discounts Your journey begins with us!
大小 86.22M 类型 0评分 -
- 33 排名
多么可爱的小猫咪呀!现在你可以画出它们,并和它们一起玩儿!《咪好一家》是一款适合儿童的趣味画画游戏! 想象一下,当孩子们画出这些可爱的小猫时,他们会有多高兴!这些猫咪是动画片《咪好一家》中的角色,它们的名字分别是:糖果、饼干和布丁。更有趣的是,当你画完这些小猫后,它们就会动起来,这样你就可以和它们一起玩儿了! 对孩子们来说,这个游戏不仅可以带给他们快乐,还能激发他们的创造力。除了丰富的颜色以外,游戏中还有不同的纹理供小朋友们选择。“画画和涂色”这个游戏有助于培养孩子们的肢体灵活性、协调能力和创造力,而这些技能对儿童的早期发展来说尤为重要。 这个游戏的过程非常直观,并且很适合儿童的心理特点。 1. 选择一张图片,然后画画和涂色。 2. 选择颜色和调色板,然后按照简单的轨迹来涂色,画出一幅画。 3. 你看!你画出的可爱猫咪动起来了,就像施了魔法一样。你可以和它们开心地一起玩耍了! 这个app中共有15张图片供小朋友们画画和涂色!今后我们还会定期推出更多图片。 此外还有更多惊喜!例如: * 图片背景中有许多互动式的动画角色,给小朋友们带来丰富的视觉体验。 * 游戏界面易于使用、想象力丰富,并且非常适合儿童。 * 游戏的设计突出了趣味性,并考虑了儿童的思维方式! * 定期推出更多动物和日常用品的动画角色! * 这个app不包含任何广告,也不收集任何数据,所以对儿童来说是绝对安全的。 免费下载这个app,让您的孩子享受画画的乐趣吧! 这款app提供自动续期订购服务:每月3.99美元或每年29.99美元。您的账户将在当期结束前24小时内被收取续期费用,价格为每月3.99美元或每年29.99美元。购买后,您可以前往您的账户设置来管理您的订购,关闭自动续期。 请前往https://smartgrow.club/privacy-policy阅读我们的隐私政策和使用条款。
大小 420.08M 类型 0评分 - 34 排名
The best audio tour of Washington DC monuments and memorials around! Why strain your eyes to see a distant statue from a tour bus, or get rushed through your favorite site? See DC the way it was meant to be seen: on foot. The National Mall's park-like setting was designed for walking. Fourteen sites are included in this tour - the White House, the Capitol, and all the monuments in between. Yes, it can be a lot to cover. So, spread it out over a couple of days, take a break for lunch, or maybe stop at one of the Smithsonians along the way. It's like having your own personal tour guide, at a fraction of the price. Two Buck Tours include maps with GPS, directions, photos, tips, interesting information about each site, and are narrated in English. No schedules, no crowds, no worries. Good for tourists and locals of all ages. Not visiting DC anytime soon? The text and photos will let you experience the city on your own.
大小 57.43M 类型 0评分 - 35 排名
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大小 157.57M 类型 0评分 - 36 排名
Expert restaurant recommendations for every situation. Our mission is very simple: to bring you the most honest and trustworthy opinions on where to eat around the world. Find a restaurant that’s “Perfect For” every situation. Search restaurant recommendations in our curated guides & reviews, or via map & list views, in over 40 different cities. Coverage in: New York, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle, Washington DC, Atlanta, Austin, Denver, Paris, Mexico City, Melbourne, Rome, and Tokyo, and beyond with more on the way. FEATURES: Find Places: Search for nearby restaurants based on your current location, or browse for a spot in a city you are planning to visit. Filter on specific cuisines types, or “Perfect Fors” to find the right restaurant for every situation. Explore: Browse our restaurant reviews and curated guides in more than 40 cities worldwide. Use different categories to find the restaurant that best suits your needs. Categories include: Perfect Fors (Ex: Girls' Night Out, Late Night Eats), Cuisine, and Neighborhood. My Infatuation: Create an account with The Infatuation to save your favorite reviews and curate your own list. “Apps for finding restaurants are plentiful, but most of them leave me feeling overwhelmed. I want someone to choose for me, and I trust the authors of this app to do that. Their taste has never led me astray.” - Joshua Brustein, The New York Times In 2021, restaurant discovery platform The Infatuation was acquired by JPMorgan Chase & Co. to accelerate the firm’s investment in dining, and further demonstrates JPMorgan Chase’s commitment to meeting customers where they are with exceptional benefits, useful content and one-of-a-kind experiences, at scale. The Infatuation’s entire business, including Zagat, is a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase.
大小 49.06M 类型 0评分 - 37 排名
一款通过3D魔方帮助你快速记忆公式 -更真实的3D魔方与动画 -包含每一个F2L,OLL,PLL -包含每一个4LLL -包含每一个F2L四向 -包含每一个CLL,EG1,EG2 -包含每一个Roux -包含每一个EOLR -包含每一个COLL -包含每一个ZBLL -包含每一个VLS -包含每一个WV -轻易的添加适合你的公式 -自定义适合你的公式集合 -自定义魔方六个面的颜色 -自定义魔方旋转速度
大小 47.33M 类型 0评分 - 38 排名
This APP connects with battery monitor via Bluetooth. APP helps users to read battery voltage, current input/output, battery capacity & time remaining. It's a very useful for user to monitor their battery or battery bank at any time. Basic parameter settings is good for user to use and protect battery or battery bank.
大小 6.76M 类型 0评分 - 39 排名
Die Ampire DC2-App unterstützt die Ampire Dashcam Modelle DC1, DC1-ECO, DC2 und DC2-PRO. Zugriff: Greifen Sie über eine direkte WLAN-Verbindung auf Ihre Dashcam zu. Stellen Sie dazu zunächst über das WLAN-Menü Ihres Smartphones eine Verbindung zu Ihrer Ampire Dashcam her. Sobald die Verbindung hergestellt ist, können Sie in der App unter dem Punkt Album auf alle auf der microSD-Karte Ihrer Dashcam gespeicherten Videos zugreifen und sie herunterladen, in der Live-Ansicht den Kamerawinkel bei Bedarf anpassen und die Einstellungen Ihrer Ampire Dashcam ändern. Firmware Updates: Sie können auch ein drahtloses Firmware-Update (OTA) durchführen. Wenn Sie bereits mit Ihrer Dashcam verbunden sind, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Verbindung zu einem internetfähigen Wi-Fi-Netzwerk herstellen, um die neueste Firmware mit der App herunterzuladen: Auf die Option zum Updaten der Firmware können Sie über den Menüpunkt Einstellungen in der App zugreifen. Der App beinhaltet: - Livebild der Dashcam - Momentaufnahme der gewünschten Szene. - Wiedergabe von aufgezeichneten Videos und Fotos. - Download der Aufnahmen auf Ihr Smartphone. - Teilen der Aufnahmen. - Änderung der Dashcam-Einstellungen. Unterstützte Dashcam-Modelle: - Ampire DC1 - Ampire DC2 Weitere Informationen und Neuigkeiten zu Ampire finden Sie unter: Homepage: www.ampire.de Facebook: www.facebook.com/ampire.electronics YouTube: www.youtube.com/AMPIREelectronics
大小 24.71M 类型 0评分 - 40 排名
Get the next trains at the nearest MetroRail station and figure out: Should I Run? Tap walk or driving times to instantly get directions. Check the MetroRail system map to help with navigation. See any elevator and escalator outages that might effect your trip. Catch that train
大小 27.81M 类型 0评分
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