苹果手机"战锤类手游排行榜"由点点数据提供。本次排行榜包含了:Citadel Colour: The App、Toy Army Men: Xeno Strike、(OLD) Warhammer Age of Sigmar、模色研、Tabletop Battles、王者修仙:茅山道士出观 捉鬼冒险闯关手游、第二银河、荒野行动-半岛突围S3、Tabletop Tactics、站上塔楼等十大战锤类手游排行榜
- 1 排名
Paint makes Warhammer. Whether you’re a fledgling painter looking to improve your skills, or a veteran in need of a quick reference guide, this essential companion will help you get great results, more easily than ever before. Inside this latest version of the app: - Take full advantage of Contrast paints with our guides - Choose between Contrast method and Classic method painting guides - Find even more high-resolution model images for your painting reference - Navigate easily with improved search, sorting, and refinement functionality - Use the Projects feature to organise all your favourite Paint by Model and Paint by Colour recipes in custom lists - Get breakdowns of key painting techniques, from shading to using Contrast paints - Paint a wealth of colours with step-by-step instructions - Explore detailed colour schemes for a wide variety of miniatures, with new guides added all the time - Discover techniques and tips for basing your miniatures - Use the Inventory and Wishlist to manage your paint collection and prepare for your next project
大小 48.34M 类型 0评分 - 2 排名
PLAN, ATTACK AND BEAT ALL THE ENEMIES by changing the role of your troops from scout to sniper, from flamethrowers to missile launchers. RECRUIT AND TRAIN THE GREATEST HEROES in the galaxy, lead them into dangerous territory against near-impossible odds and unleash their mighty powers and abilities. TURN THE TIDE OF BATTLE with siege tank, laser turrets, support troops and a wide array of special weapons. Predators of Mars, heavy troopers, gigantic monsters, unknown races, brave assaults, capture enemy base audacious sabotages... the Earth needs your command.
大小 132.05M 类型 0评分 - 3 排名
The name of this app has changed to make way for the all-new Warhammer Age of Sigmar app. This app will continue to exist, and your digital entitlements remain accessible – however, this app will no longer receive ongoing support. We look forward to welcoming you to the all-new Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. Visit our official website for more information.
大小 101.73M 类型 0评分 -
- 5 排名
Tabletop Battles makes it easy to track your games of Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 30k (Horus Heresy), and Conquest (TLAOK). Whether you’re playing casual games, competitive games, or you're headed to a big event, Tabletop Battles lets you track objectives, scoring, and CP during the game and save your scores for easy reference later. Supported mission packs - 40k 10th: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck - 40k 10th: Leviathan GT pack - 40k 10th: Leviathan - 40k 10th: Only War - 40k 10th: Crusade - 40k 10th: Leviathan Crusade - 40k 10th: Pariah Nexus Crusade - 40k: Combat Patrol - 40k: Boarding Action - AoS Spearhead: Fire and Jade - AoS 4e: Pitched Battles 24-25 - AoS 3e: Pitched Battles 23-24 - AoS 3e: Contest of Generals - AoS 3e: Contest of Warlords - AoS 3e: Dawnbringers - 30k 2e: Core Missions - 30k 2e: Siege of Cthonia - Conquest 2e: Additional Scenarios - Conquest 2e: Tournament Scenarios GAMES - Smart scoring allows for quick score entry while helping prevent mistakes - View deployment maps for each mission - Optionally randomize your mission or secondary selections in-app - Optional reminder to take pictures every battle round - Export finished games for easy sharing with your friends EVENTS - Create games for each round of an event with a single button - Group your games by event to see how you did - Track your placing for reference later STATS - See games played, win rates, streaks, and more - Filter stats by mission pack, mission, faction GAME SYNC* - Seamlessly sync games between multiple devices - Your games are backed up in the cloud "just in case" *Game Sync requires a free Goonhammer account Tabletop Battles is an unofficial app and is not endorsed by Games Workshop.
大小 132.61M 类型 0评分 - 6 排名
游戏特色: 【挂机升级】轻松打坐挂机,经验蹭蹭上涨,修仙之路如此简单 【红粉知己】进入异世结识红粉密友,美人相伴让修仙之路事半功倍 【奇兵异器】超多神兵随你自由支配,轻松练就属于你的神兵利器 【职业多样】可以根据自身偏好选择职业,随心选择,总有一个符合你的需求
大小 170.34M 类型 0评分 - 7 排名
《第二银河》是一款融合了RPG和SLG元素的开放世界太空星战游戏。游戏模拟构建了一个含有4961个恒星系的宇宙太空,玩家可驾驶各式太空舰船抢夺稀缺资源,和全星系的玩家们自主交易,还可以与伙伴组成星舰联盟,与其他的玩家联盟展开无拘束的星系争夺战。 这见所未见的宇宙星空,正是待你去征服的星辰大海。 富有想象力的未来人类文明设计 三千年后的未来,人类的星际殖民已经扩大到 “第二银河”的源点星域。五大新兴势力互为敌友,彼此牵制,在茫茫宇宙中诞生了各自不同的文明发展。 争夺稀有资源 千人级的星系会战 宇宙中不断拓展的殖民战争,将由全球不同的玩家们来完成。为了争夺稀有资源,不同玩家联盟之间更会爆发出千人级的星系大会战,谱写一曲炫丽无比的太空战争史诗。 多样化的星际舰船体系设计 游戏中不同风格的五大势力,因其文明发展的方向各异,在科技、设计和军事等方面,也分别发展出了多样化的星际舰船。 超大世界 真实模拟宇宙 游戏使用了星系验算绘制技术,模拟构建了4961个恒星系,包括行星、恒星、卫星、气体、尘埃等各种宇宙天体,宇宙直径超过1000光年。 开放世界 高自由度随机事件 玩家可以穿越虫洞,到达宇宙未知的另一端,并遇到无数意料之外的随机事件。每个玩家都会因为对待事件的不同态度,形成整个宇宙生态中“蝴蝶效应”的一个环节。 【关注我们】 官方网站:http://sg.zlongame.com 官方微信:第二银河 官方微博:@第二银河官方微博 《第二银河》订阅功能说明及Apple官方订阅功能注意事项 1.订阅价格及周期 您可以在游戏中订阅“开拓者证书”,订阅价格为 18元人民币,订阅周期为30天。 2.关于订阅内容 订阅“开拓者证书”的用户可在订阅期间内获得特权体验,特权内容为:①每日复原次数+2;② 每日虫洞额外进入次数+1;③ 所有科研时间消耗-20%;④ 交易行额外出售栏位+6;⑤ 个人生产时间消耗-50%;⑥ 个人破译时间消耗-50%。 3.关于自动续订 •苹果App Store官方订阅功能为自动续费订阅,iTunes Account进行确认支付。用户需手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中管理自动续订功能,如果订阅期结束前的24小时内未关闭自动续订功能,订阅周期将会自动延续。 • 确认购买后,费用将从iTunes账户中扣除 • 订阅结束前24小时内进行续费,并确认续期费用 4.用户协议 用户协议:http://www.zlongame.com/html/login/agreement.html 5.隐私政策及声明 隐私声明:http://www.zlongame.com/html/login/agreement.html 6.取消订阅流程 如果您想取消订阅,请在您的 IOS 设备上前往“设置”->选择“ iTunes Store 与 App Store ” ->点击“ Apple ID ”,接下来选择“查看 Apple ID ”,进入“账户设置”,点击“订阅”-> “管理”, 并选择“第二银河”对应的订阅,之后便可取消订阅。
大小 2804.63M 类型 0评分 - 8 排名
荒野行动-全新半岛突围S3赛季开启! 玩的太累?爆率太低?题材雷同?破产太快? 大人,时代变了!还在传统搜打撤吗?是时候上天宫摸金,抓神仙抢法宝啦! 更休闲爽快,适合寒假春节的摸金撤离玩法——荒野行动半岛突围S3赛季! 【起飞!目之所及皆可抵达】 百人超大地图,跃入荒野世界里自由探索属于你的求生之路 【最深的友情是一起活下去】 与知心好友在荒野默契配合,共享战斗快感 【超酷跑车带上队友一起飙】 开启全队的极致速度 【用个性穿搭遇见特别的人】 潮流单品风格多变,随心搭配 【联系我们】 官网:http://hy.163.com/ 论坛:http://hy.16163.com/ 《荒野行动》官方微博:荒野行动官方微博 《荒野行动》官方微信公众号:网易荒野行动 《荒野行动》官方抖音:荒野行动手游 《荒野行动》官方快手:荒野行动-网易 客服电话:95163883 隐私政策和用户协议链接: https://unisdk.update.netease.com/html/latest_v29.html
大小 2551.90M 类型 0评分 - 9 排名
Looking for cutting edge entertainment from the worlds of tabletop wargaming and role playing? Join our community in watching everything from Warhammer Battle Reports to Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay casts. With new shows released every week you can get notifications so you don’t miss any of the action. Interact with our community, discussing the latest tactics and shows via threaded chats, with notifications of replies and comments. Don’t have time to finish watching one show? You can pick it up later from where you left off watching on your device. Stay entertained on the move by downloading shows directly to your device to watch offline. Inbuilt Chromecast and AirPlay support so you can watch us on the big screen! Privacy Policy & Terms of use: https://www.tabletoptactics.tv/privacy-terms/
大小 62.89M 类型 0评分 - 10 排名
- 11 排名
勇者们,听我号令! 在这片未占领的土地上,敌人要来势汹汹地夺走我们的领地,但我们不会屈服! - 召集你的小兵,升级他们的装备和能力,让他们成为无坚不摧的守卫者。 - 逐步征服领地,用你的智慧和战略,在地图上建设炮台,用机枪、喷火枪、电塔等各种武器,抵挡敌人的进攻。 - 自由探索地图,根据自己的喜好和策略进行领地扩张,挑战更高难度的敌人,征服更多领地。 只有你的坚守和勇气,才能征服整个大陆,将敌人逐出我们的家园!
大小 302.86M 类型 0评分 - 12 排名
A fast and powerful army list creator for tabletop wargamers. Create, view and share army lists for a wide range of game systems using data files created and maintained by an active community of BattleScribe users. Become a BattleScribe supporter to remove ads, unlock extra features and support ongoing development! Please remember that all BattleScribe data is created and maintained by the BattleScribe community. • Works with a wide range of tabletop wargame systems from a variety of manufacturers • Quickly create rosters and experiment with new army list ideas • Calculates points totals and shows you problems with your list • Share your lists with others via the internet or over the tabletop • Highly customisable roster printouts in a range of formats • Fully compatible with BattleScribe on desktop and other platforms Supported game systems include: Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Adeptus Titanicus, Star Wars X-Wing, Legion & Armada, Kings of War, Infinity, Gates of Antares, 9th Age, Firestorm and many more. Problems or Questions? See the FAQ: https://battlescribe.net?faq=list
大小 119.93M 类型 0评分 - 13 排名
这是一个关于从“僵尸海啸”中逃脱或打败僵尸的末日逃生挑战。数十亿的僵尸正在接近你,他们似乎是从一个僵尸农场繁殖出来的。你需要成为一个“僵尸捕手”,用重型武器来阻止这场僵尸海啸。 在这个僵尸玩法中发现新的区域,解锁新的武器和升级以让你变得更强大,并能够击败和阻止所有僵尸的袭击。 当它们向你奔跑时,射击它们!数十亿饥饿的僵尸正朝你走来,去逃脱或战斗吧! 用机枪砍倒所有的僵尸,赢得胜利。拥有力量的“僵尸捕手”不需要僵尸教程来教导他们如何追捕僵尸潮。成为这场末日逃亡的最终胜者吧! 升级你的武器,解锁卫兵来帮助你与僵尸作战。在数十亿接近而又饥饿的僵尸海啸面前,我们相信你能阻止它们,像一个真正的“僵尸捕手”一样摆脱它们。
大小 297.38M 类型 0评分 - 14 排名
Your raid starts now! You are a brave orc who destroys and breaks everything in his path. Having collected a bunch of bombs, you run forward to DESTROY. There are many obstacles and dangerous enemies on your way. Run as far as possible and try not to lose the bombs on the way. The game will present you: Epic raid on picturesque locations: castles and towers, villages and country roads. Many different obstacles: stone walls, rocks, abyss, and enemies that will try to stop you. Avoid obstacles because each of them deprives you of a priceless bomb. Run forward, furiously sweeping everything out of your way, challenging other players to clearly show who is the best orc in his clan. Track the results on the leaderboard, and strive to make the top record and be number one. Notes for our players: Friends, now there is only an endless race mode in the game. But our team is currently working on a full-fledged story mode and other improvements to the game, which will include: A story in which you will capture city after city to defeat the kingdom of people A map of the game world with many levels, each of which will have a unique challenge waiting for you: you will need to run through the level and blow up the gate in its final New locations, obstacles, and challenges An interesting bomb pumping system Trophies, daily rewards, and various bonuses that are pleasant for players Stay with us because your rage will still be needed in a future raid.
大小 277.91M 类型 0评分 - 15 排名
国漫盗墓手游大作《鬼语迷城》带我们一起探索“终极”的秘密,寻找真正的“它”。 从上百部典籍中提取经典盗墓元素,还原经典的冒险场景,分金定穴、点烛开棺、机关解谜等立体呈现。 【游戏介绍】自古以来,只有“寻龙校尉”才能找到地下宫殿的入口。在这里,你将被训练成真正的寻龙传人,熟练运用十六字风水秘术,穿过沙漠和雪山,分金定穴,在亘古的遗迹中寻找神墓入口,还有无尽的宝藏,等你来收藏和交易! 《鬼语迷城》是一款3D国漫风格手游,以家喻户晓的盗墓历险为背景,沿用经典人设,讲述一行人历经万险寻求古城遗址,穿过沙漠和雪山,进入地下“鬼洞”的匪夷所思故事。在十六字风水秘术、分金点穴位玩法基础上,开创未来机车、五人开棺、旷世奇缘等全新玩法!被赋予进入古墓的使命,带你开启神秘地底世界之旅。 【特色玩法】 分金定穴,玩转风水秘术 寻龙千万看缠山,一重缠是一重关。十六字风水秘术,将指引你使用罗盘,拨开重重迷雾,找到龙穴之所在。巨大的宝藏正在等着你开启! 独闯古墓,单挑个人副本 奇兵破阵探古墓,掘地三尺有珍宝。丰富的个人副本,充分发掘你的摸金潜能,在庞大的地底世界探险,发掘珍奇古董和绝品装备。一个人也能单挑大粽子! 组队开棺,破解多重机关 寻龙校尉,合则生,分则死。越是贵重的王侯之墓,机关必然更加凶险。需要机智的你,带领多人寻龙团,破解重重机关,绝地逃生,取得珍贵宝藏! 巅峰对决,比农药更过瘾 跨服匹配天梯系统,可以进行5V5或10V10实时对战,通过击杀对方阵营的玩家或NPC,可获得相应的积分和奖励,并提升段位和排名。最强王者就是你! 【联系我们】 鬼语迷城玩家交流群:138275428
大小 3753.33M 类型 0评分 - 16 排名
玩家QQ交流群: 647756723 这是一款多人在线狩猎生存游戏。 1.游戏中你是一个敢恨敢爱的猎人,在荒野中,搜集资源建设家园,养育儿子,通过打猎消遣人生!只要你拥有不屈的毅力,兔子、狐狸、豹子、老虎、狮子、大象等等几十种动物等你捕捉!激烈的玩家对抗,真实的场景,让你有种身临其境的感觉! 2.去毁坏其它玩家的围墙,抢夺其它玩家的资源 3.喂养儿子,体验当父亲的感觉 3.建设家园,你是一家之主,高筑围墙,防范野兽 4.你可以喂养你的猎鹰,随着猎鹰的成长,可以帮你捕获更多更大的猎物! 5.抢夺别人老婆,孩子,壮大自己的家族 开发者Email: zhangdeke@126.com
大小 704.30M 类型 0评分 - 17 排名
- 18 排名
【游戏介绍】 《和平精英》是腾讯光子工作室群自研打造的战术竞技手游。虚幻引擎4研发,次世代完美画质,极致视听感受;超大实景地图,打造指尖战场,全方面自由施展战术;百人同场竞技,真实弹道,完美的射击手感;好友一键组队,语音开黑;腾讯光子工作室群超过300人团队研发,给您带来一场震撼的竞技体验。 【游戏特色】 1 实景地图 百人竞技 多张超大实景地图,体验丰富的环境变化,百人同场竞技,凭借战斗策略及射击能力勇夺冠军,力争胜利! 2 逼真场景 极致视听 虚幻引擎4技术,成熟细节渲染,超大地图、逼真场景,更细腻、更真实! 真实3D音效,高保真实时语音,感受身临其境的极致体验! 3 爽快操作 真实弹道 真实枪械弹道,优秀射击手感,极易上手! 几十种真实枪支、枪械真实弹道模拟,真实投掷品投掷轨迹,多种配件,多种近战武器的物理打击,带给玩家酣畅淋漓的战斗射击体验! 4 丰富载具 狂野飙车 多种真实载具,丰富的飙车操纵体验,完美操作手感,比真实更真实! 5 多种枪战玩法 尽享竞技乐趣 多种枪战模式玩法,更多元更刺激的战斗体验,全新模式、全新规则、全新地图,不断带来全新竞技体验! 6 公平竞技 绿色环境 强大的反外挂功能,针对各种机型的适配及性能优化,让游戏更公平、更顺畅! 【编辑推荐】 热血,智慧,勇气,信念!尽在和平精英! 次世代高品质手游,更便捷的游戏体验,手机在手,说走就走! 全力以赴,力争胜利,勇夺冠军! 激情与畅爽,在这里大满足! 【特别说明】 在游戏《和平精英》中,用户使用平台账号(QQ或微信)登录,能够同步游戏中部分数据,包括等级、好友等非通过购买累计的数值。腾讯平台上的虚拟货币, 比如Q币、Q点都无法在游戏内使用。《和平精英》内一切抽奖活动与苹果公司无关,祝大家游戏愉快!
大小 3710.92M 类型 0评分 - 19 排名
- 20 排名
网易游戏代理的《坦克世界闪击战》手游,官方正版,原汁原味!拉上兄弟来一场7V7实时匹配坦克对战。移动!躲避!开镜!瞄准!击毁!随时随地重返战争时刻! 《坦克世界闪击战》手游 — 《坦克世界》官方正版手游,原汁原味 【游戏介绍】 《坦克世界闪击战》是一款风靡全球的7V7实时匹配的坦克载具射击对战手游。由知名战争网游《坦克世界》开放商Wargaming出品,由网易游戏独家运营中国版手游,现已开放App Store官方正版的免费下载。 凭借媲美端游的视觉效果、卓越的游戏平衡性、深度策略性和高超的操作技巧,《坦克世界闪击战》深受亿万玩家喜爱。游戏根据史实复刻还原了六大系列坦克,总数超过了200辆!绘制丘陵、城市、沼泽、海滩、仓库、遗迹等百变地形,还原真实战场!玩家在这里,可以展现高超的坦克驾驶技巧,创造超越历史的作战战术。体验令人惊叹的真实坦克大战。 研发什么坦克?如何利用地形设计作战战术?如何在被包夹的情况下突围? 《坦克世界闪击战》带你随时随地重返战争时刻,真铁血,硬战场! 【游戏特色】 【超200辆坦克——七系战车史诗集结】 游戏具有极高的还原度,目前已经开发7大车系,超过200辆坦克,全部坦克均是由二战中真实的坦克复刻。7大车系,4种战车,属性数值各不相同,再现真实且极具策略的坦克对决。 【7V7匹配战斗——团队配合公平竞技】 游戏以7v7实时匹配团队对决为核心玩法,以高度还原的视觉和数值平衡性为基础,实现玩法上最大限度的复杂和真实。多种地形、不同的敌我势力,玩家既可以在游戏中印证二战中的著名作战策略,也可以演绎出众多变化多样,史无前例的作战策略。团队配合,超越历史,人人都是坦克精英。 【BigWorld引擎——端游移植极致表现】 游戏具有堪比大荧幕的视觉效果。细致入微的场景刻画!真实还原的坦克战车!极具接近的数值还原!玩家操作坦克,从视觉、行进、躲避、开镜、开炮后坐力等诸多细节,感受到自己仿佛是一名真正的坦克手,将玩家带回战争时刻。这是不只是一部游戏,还是一部手机上的现实主义的坦克战争大电影。 【真实操作体验——战术重演夺冠三军】 游戏地图大多是根据历史中真实的战役地形为蓝本绘制,地形包括登陆海滩、城市守卫战,还有河床、山地、历史遗迹、仓库、丘陵、雪地、峡谷等类型,基本涵盖所有现实地形。同时在火力、行进速度、机动性、装甲强度等诸多性能上也做了极度接近的数值还原。游戏不是简单的移动、开火,而是操作了一辆真正可以作战的坦克,与真实的敌人对决!大局观、战场反应和极强的操作技巧是游戏对每个坦克手的要求! 【联系我们】 《坦克世界闪击战》官网:http://wotb.163.com/ 《坦克世界闪击战》论坛:http://wotb.16163.com/ 《坦克世界闪击战》官方微博:网易闪击战 《坦克世界闪击战》官方微信:网易坦克世界闪击战(shanjizhan2017) 《坦克世界闪击战》官方QQ1群:417194784(已满) 《坦克世界闪击战》官方QQ2群:560267105(已满) 《坦克世界闪击战》官方QQ3群:547674772
大小 3917.42M 类型 0评分 - 21 排名
Teammate: Kill Team Aide helps you manage your games of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. Pick operatives, keep score, and track game statistics. You can even export your lists to send to tournaments or events. Narrative players will find complete support for Spec Ops. Add strategic assets to your base of operations and equipment to your stash. Keep score during games and your operatives’ XP will update automatically. Should an operative be incapacitated, Teammate will help you make casualty and recovery tests so they can return to the front as soon as they are well (or their commander decides to put them in, anyway). Please note: Teammate is not a rules reference. It does not contain operative stats nor the rules for any kill team. You will need the appropriate rulebook for your team to play the game.
大小 20.18M 类型 0评分 - 22 排名
The Paint Picker is designed to help wargamers choose the perfect paint scheme for their armies. The app utilises the principles of color theory to suggest paint schemes that will really pop on the battlefield. Features: • Select a starting color from the color wheel. • Find the nearest matching paint from a variety of manufacturers. • Discover complementary paints. • Save and share the results.
大小 1.65M 类型 0评分 - 23 排名
Quartermaster is the management app for tabletop miniature games that knows how to play nice. As a wargamer, you're constantly thinking about new ways to assemble an army, force, or squadron for your favorite miniature games. Now you’ll be ready to draft your ideas whenever inspiration strikes. And when gaming time comes, you’ll have all your miniatures in order. No more loose pages and scribbled notes! Quartermaster uses game systems and faction templates created by a community of wargamers just like you. You can create and edit your own factions right in the app. The list of community-created games for Quartermaster continues to grow, and currently includes the following tabletop miniature games: - Horus Heresy - Necromunda - Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Adeptus Titanicus - Battlefleet Gothic - Warmaster - and more! Quartermaster has been completely redesigned and rewritten from the ground up to bring you the latest technologies and the best user experience. - iCloud automatically syncs your drafts across your devices. - Share your drafts with your friends (and opponents!) by AirDrop, social media, email, or message. - Prepare a detailed list or card grid for printing. Play nice. Use Quartermaster.
大小 3.48M 类型 0评分 - 24 排名
Organize your tabletop miniature collection and track your painting progress. Figure Case is the tool for your miniature hobby like Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar or any other tabletop miniature games. 1. Enter all your miniatures. 2. Organize your minis into collections. 3. Track your assembly and painting progress. 4. See the status of your collection. 5. Sync your collection between your iPhone and iPad with iCloud. For all types of tabletop minis, not just Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar. If you collect, assemble and paint something, this is for you. Organize your miniatures into collections (e.g. by factions or game systems). Track your assembly and painting progress (Unassembled ▸ Assembled ▸ Primed ▸ Painted ▸ Based). As result you get an overview of your miniature collection, to decide on your next painting project and know how many miniatures you have ready for your games. You can also add miniatures to your wishlist. For even more overview you can group your collections and models. Just select a group from the edit screen or open the Group Manager to quickly organize all items. Groups can be collapsed to shorten your lists for better overview, it will show a summary of your progress. Enter notes for your collections or miniatures, e.g. to keep track of your painting scheme. With Figure Case you can: - Enter all your miniatures, no matter which brand. - See the total amount of miniatures you own and effort you put into them. - You can set an effort modifier for bigger or more detailed Models. - Follow your progress from Unassembled ▸ Assembled ▸ Primed ▸ Painted ▸ Based. - Configure your workflow: Wishlist, Unassembled, Assembled, Base Prepared, Primed, In Progress, Painted, Based, Finished. - Organize your miniatures in collections and groups. - Drag and drop to reorder your items. - Add notes to your collections and models (e.g. to remember your painting scheme). - Get a status overview of your complete hobby collection. - Keep your data in sync between your iPhone and iPad using your iCloud account. The app is independent of any vendor, no matter if your miniatures are from Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Fantasy Flight Games, Mantic Games, Wyrd Games, Steamforged, Corvus Belli, Battlefront Miniatures, Catalyst Game Labs or any other producer of miniatures. You can use it for any game system that you own. No matter if it is Warmachine, Warhammer 40,000, Kings of War, Necromunda, Star Wars: X-Wing, Deadzone, Malifaux, Warcry, Guild Ball, Necromunda, Armada, Blood Bowl, Age of Sigmar, Dreadball, 9th Age, Flames of War, Warhammer: Underworlds, BattleTech, Star Wars: Legion, Hordes, Kill Team, Infinity. Can also be used for no longer existing tabletop games like Warhammer Fantasy or wargames made up on your own. Feel free to reach out for feedback, feature requests or if you encounter any issues. Twitter: @warganizer, Instagram: @warganizer.app or reach out to: hello@warganizer.app
大小 4.92M 类型 0评分 - 25 排名
Miniature Painter Pro for all your miniature painting joys. Use the advanced color picker, compare paints across brands, complement your paints and mix it up with our paint mixer. Store all that in a palette, group those and add notes for later use. Directly inspired by the hard work of FauxHammer.com.
大小 68.36M 类型 0评分 - 26 排名
The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more informative and easier for everyone. When an Event Organizer is using Best Coast Pairings, our App provides a mobile focused experience. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event. Locate and Register for Events Remotely Check-in Update Player Profile Upload Army/ Deck Lists Find Table Assignments Remotely Record Round Scores Review game records, Scores, and Placings For users who want to see details of every event globally, we offer a subscription ( Monthly/Bi-Annual/Yearly). Subscribers gain access to every pairing and list available globally for all game systems. Every round, every Pairing, Placing, along with Lists or Decks users have submitted. Subscription Terms: – Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period – Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal – Subscriptions may be managed and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to your Account Settings after purchase Privacy Policy: https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/privacy Terms of Service: https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/eula
大小 4.48M 类型 0评分 - 27 排名
The set of dice that is always useful to have with you! Ideal for when you have lost the dice that come with your board game, or to play a game of liar dice with your friends. Features: - High quality 3D dice. - Realistic physics. - Options to change the amount of dice. - Unlockable: Poker Dice. - Unlockable: Ability to hold dice in place whilst re-rolling the others. This app will constantly be updated and improved. If you have any feedback or suggestions on what you would like to see, please contact us at: NicholasDeanApps@gmail.com Also available on macOS.
大小 85.02M 类型 0评分 -
- 29 排名
这是一款真正的策略战争游戏! 真王已逝,作为圣杯骑士的最后血脉,你可以招募奇幻大陆上的矮人、兽人、黑暗精灵以及其他魔幻英雄加入你的王国,打造自己的强大军队,投入激烈的史诗战争,最终击溃所有敌人,成为世界之王、重返荣耀! 【游戏特色】 ▶ ▶ 联盟远征, 群雄逐鹿 ◀◀ 大型多联盟分庭对抗,圣地不死兵特色玩法,让您开拓疆土且无后顾之忧!集结一盟之力合纵连横、远交近攻,真正的战场值得您放手一搏! ▶ ▶ 文物降临,战火再起 ◀◀ 全新文物系统,神威降临艾娜希大陆,王国正式成立文物厅,快与盟友们一同踏上冒险淘金之旅,收集觉醒各式上古文物,拥有更强大的力量,再掀大帝战火风云! ▶ ▶ 建设您的,专属王国 ◀◀ 升级建筑、建造城墙、研究科技、训练军队、磨练英雄、采粮挖矿,王国只有在您的光辉领导下才能日益强盛,傲视群雄! ▶ ▶ 兵种阵型,运筹帷幄 ◀◀ 四大兵种、六大阵型灵活百搭,彼此相生相克、转守为攻,战场瞬息万变!如能做到知己知彼,策略明确,正确的阵型完美配合英雄的高级军团技能,必能以弱胜强,百战不殆! ▶ ▶ 副本秘境,英雄募集 ◀◀ 在秘境冒险中打造您的英雄战队, 在单人关卡中他们是各怀绝技的五人战队,一旦进入军团战争就变成身先士卒的超级大将,左右战斗的成败! ▶ ▶ 联盟群聚,集结御敌 ◀◀ 马上加入你喜欢的联盟,盟友们在等您一起参与策略手游史上超受欢迎的战役玩法:联盟战、王国战、奇观争夺战、黑暗巢穴讨伐战、世界王座战,伟大历史车轮将为您们而转动。 ▶ ▶ 策略精英,在线竞技 ◀◀ 与策略精英玩家一决天下,击败一切阻扰您拓展鸿图的对手,带领您的王国踏上世界顶级荣耀之路! ▶ ▶ 完整战况,真实重现 ◀◀ 超酷3D模式完美呈现紧张刺激的热血战况,风火雷电,英雄专属魔法战斗技能展示畅快淋漓!围城、进攻、防守及出击等大型战斗细节丝丝入扣,刀刀到肉! 官方网站:http://lordsmobile.176.com 官方微博/微信公众号:王国纪元 === 订阅项目 === ● 月卡 -【领地辅助订阅特权】自动订阅的价格为68元。购买订阅后将享受专属的特权:研发速度+25%,建造速度+25%,统御经验加成+25%,自动完成内政和联盟任务并可一键全部领取。 -【契约魔物辅助订阅特权】自动订阅的价格为68元。订阅后将获得契约魔物辅助。 -【幻境使用特权】自动订阅的价格为30元。订阅后将无限采集月石矿,可任选魔物进行自动狩猎,无限采集任意资源点。 ● 周卡 -【7日加速箱订阅特权】自动订阅的价格为12元,每日可领取1次:淘金古币、研发加速60分钟、训练加速60分钟、加速60分钟、金币、四种资源。 -【7日契约魔物箱订阅特权】自动订阅的价格为18元,每日可领取1次:经验魔泉、经验魔水、融合加速60分钟、融合加速15分钟、原力、灵魂裂片。 ===注意事项===: 1. 您的iTunes账户将在确认订阅付费时产生费用 2. 除非在当前订阅服务结束前的24小时前取消续订服务,否则您的订阅将会自动续订 3. 在当前订阅服务结束前的24小时内,您的账户将收到下一次订阅的购买与价格确认 4. 在订阅后,您可以在您的苹果账户设置中取消您的订阅的续订服务 游戏许可及服务协议:https://policies.176.com/terms_of_service/chs/lords_mobile
大小 1645.47M 类型 0评分 - 30 排名
Embark on your Warhammer 40.000: Kill Team adventures with unprecedented ease and precision using Team Chronicles – the ultimate campaign companion for every adept of the tabletop battlefield. Streamline your gaming experience with a meticulously crafted app designed to capture every pivotal moment of your campaigns effortlessly. Whether you're a seasoned commander or a fresh recruit, this app empowers you to focus on strategic maneuvers while seamlessly recording every action and event that unfolds on the battlefield. Key Features: Intuitive Interface: Designed with precision and speed in mind, our user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly note down every crucial detail of your games, freeing you to concentrate fully on your tactical decisions. Experience Point Tracker: Instantly calculate and display the experience points earned by each operative at the end of every game, providing a comprehensive overview of your team's progression and growth. Seamless iCloud Integration: Sync your campaign data across multiple devices via iCloud, ensuring you always have access to your latest strategies and progress, whether you're at home or on the go. Effortless Campaign Management: Manage an infinite number of campaigns and record an unlimited amount of games within each, ensuring your legacy in the Warhammer 40.000 universe is meticulously documented. Misplay Detection Assistance: Stay on top of your game with our misplay detection feature, designed to catch and explain any missteps at the end of a game.
大小 6.55M 类型 0评分 - 31 排名
年度国民级IP战斗手游巨作,由阅文集团和腾讯动画正版授权的《斗罗大陆:魂师对决》,邀您一同进入真实的斗罗世界! 春节特色服限时开启,新年红包已经备好,等你来拿噢~ ——SP霍雨浩降临,超强控制系魂师战斗力拉满 ——大小月卡限时送,登录领SP魂师自选 ——广绣联动开启,霍雨浩限时文化联动皮肤“绣影逸客”上线 【游戏介绍】 致敬《斗罗大陆》,游戏颠覆传统创新性地打造了广阔无边的斗罗宇宙,带你自由探索神秘莫测的星斗大森林,拜访波澜壮阔的圣魂村,挑战千变万化的武魂殿…… 电影级镜头解密史莱克七怪背后的故事,全新视觉演绎斗罗大陆的每一段爱恨情仇;沉浸打造名场面“小舞献祭”、“大师与比比东相遇”、“唐昊与杀戮之都”;趣味策略玩法魂师对决,磨砺属于你超强的魂师战队! 【特色玩法】 ◆探索无边斗罗世界 游戏打造实时环境系统,真实天气交互,渲染出沉浸式的斗罗大陆!多地图随心探索,触发彩蛋奇遇,还能畅游花海,随意摆拍趣味动作。还每个斗罗迷一个真斗罗! ◆自由猎杀魂兽 在星斗大森林直面魂兽咆哮,策略搭配施展魂技,猎杀魂兽吸收魂环!组建猎杀小队,伏击超强魂兽,获取史诗级魂环!更有多层次猎杀难度副本供魂师挑战! ◆打造专属魂技 觉醒你的专属武魂,深度培养,自由成长变异!更能随机融合魂技,多重魂环叠加,无限魂力暴涨,挑战斗罗大陆超强的魂技策略组合! ◆魂师轻松竞技 万千魂环自由搭配,粒子特效加持魂技展示,精准选择技能释放时机,根据不同战局适时调整战术,随机应变,极限翻盘,登顶斗魂之巅! *实际内容以游戏为准 -------------------------- 《斗罗大陆:魂师对决》订阅说明 --订阅价格及周期: 您可以在游戏中订阅“月卡”订阅服务周期为31天,开放商城功能后可购买 --关于订阅内容: 订阅后可以在订阅期间享受所有的增益特权: 1、订阅后立即获得300钻石 2、每日额外领取60钻石、60体力 --关于自动续订: 苹果App Store官方订阅功能为自动续费订阅。 由iTunes Account进行确认支付,用户需手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能,订阅自动续费将于每个订阅周期结束前的24小时之内进行扣费,并由iTunesAccount进行确认支付,如果需要取消订阅功能,您需要于订阅结束前至少24小时关闭自动续费功能。如果在此时间之前未能取消自动续费,则订阅周期会自动延续 --用户协议: https://37.com.cn/user-agreement/content/?AID=31036 --隐私政策及申明: https://37.com.cn/user-agreement/content/?AID=31036 --取消订阅流程: 如果您想取消订阅,请在您的iOS设备上前往“设置”→选择“iTunes Store与App Store”→点击“AppleID”。接下来选择“查看AppleID”,进入“账号设置”,点击“订阅”→“管理”并选择“斗罗大陆:魂师对决”对应的订阅,之后便可取消订阅 --更换设备后订阅服务的说明:更换设备后,原苹果账号下购买了订阅服务的角色,在订阅未过期期间,将可直接继续享受订阅服务,无需其他操作。
大小 1832.03M 类型 0评分 - 32 排名
Hobby Life allows you to track your miniature collecting and army building progress and even predict when you will finish preparing your army based on the current backlog. Start by building your collection and wishlist, then view your current monthly progress and spending habit to make choices about your next hobby steps. You can even link your painting projects to army lists which automatically update when you make some progress, so you can see how close you are to finishing your lists. This app is not a comprehensive list builder but does have some tools to help you bring in your lists from list builders. You can attach photos to your projects and view them in a gallery. Try out the seasonal scoring, try to get the lowest score each season. Customisation is encouraged, the app will transform to light and dark mode based on your system settings and also provides a number of colour theme options.
大小 9.90M 类型 0评分 - 33 排名
FEATURES: LIBRARY: track your paints with over 25000 paints from top brands! SETS: create custom paint SETS (or recipes) for your models *WISH LIST: helps you track paints you need *RAPID SCAN: most bottles can be added by scanning barcodes on bottles *COLOR TOOLS: will help you find the best matching paint colors *Available in Full Version Supported paint lines include: - Abteilung 502 - Aero Color (Schmincke) - AK Interactive - Alclad II - AMMO by MIG Jimenez - Andrea Color - Apple Barrel - Archive-X - Army Painter (Warpaints) - Badger Minitaire - Battlefront (Colours of War) - Citadel - Coat d'Arms - Colour Forge - Createx - Cuttlefish Colors by Cephalopod Studios - CVLTCRAFT (CPOP) - Darkstar - DecoArt - Delta Ceramcoat - Dirty Down - Folk Art - Forge World - FREAKflex - FW Inks - Gaia Color - GarageKits.US - Golden - Green Stuff World - Hataka - Huge Miniatures - Humbrol - Instar - Italeri - Jo Sonja's - Kimera Kolors - Lifecolor - Liquitex - Metalsmith - Mindtaker Miniatures - Mission Models - Model Master - Molotow - Mr. Hobby (Gunze) - Mr. Paint (MRP) - Nocturna - NuWorlds (Iwata-Medea) - P3 (Privateer Press) - Pactra - Pokorny (Dwarf Forge) - Pro Acryl (Monument Hobbies) - Reaper - Revell - Scale Modellers Supply - Scale75 - Secret Weapon - Stynylrez - Tamiya - Testors - TTCombat - Turbo Dork - Two Thin Coats - Vallejo - Villainy Inks - Warcolours - Wargames Foundry - Winsor & Newton In-app colors are approximate, usually as provided by manufacturers.
大小 87.17M 类型 0评分 - 34 排名
官方正版奇迹3震撼来袭!传承经典,革新玩法! 金蛋合成,爆1000金;手刃金龙,爆9999金! 上线即享2000属性点,500%攻速,999%爆率! 【游戏特色】 --金蛋玩法 福利升级-- 挂机即可获得大量经验以及黄金蛋,而集齐所需黄金蛋可以召唤黄金龙,进入专属高爆福利地图。感受手刃黄金巨龙快感的同时,获得大量极品装备与宝石,祝福宝石助力合成,强化成功率飙升100%,全身装备+15。 --正版授权PC移植 画质革新经典传承-- 延续热血回忆,官方正版授权,传承经典之作,1:1端游移植;保留大家记忆中复古画风的同时,采用虚幻5引擎对游戏品质进行全面升级,操作更加流畅,画质更加细腻,给你带来史诗般的游戏体验。 --高速挂机卓越掉落 祝福加持轻松+15-- 手动刷怪太麻烦?一键挂机帮你解决。把重复的刷怪操作交给智能AI处理,加上高倍率爆装,卓越套转轻松掉落。装备强化更有祝福宝石加持,成功率up,全身装备+15再也不是梦。 --万千套装 职业装备保值搭配-- 角色装备分为头部,身体,脚部,左手,右手,披风,装饰等七项部位来表示,玩家装备不同的武器和盔甲等等,都会相应的展示在游戏中。各种部位自由搭配能有无限种可能,多余的装备可以一键回收,永久保值。 --经典地图一一再现 自由探索奇迹世界-- 仙踪林、冰风谷、地下城等众多经典地图一一再现,超大奇迹世界等你自由探索;快来激斗各大地图的魔族,讨伐领土的强大BOSS,称霸整个奇迹大陆。
大小 1064.12M 类型 0评分 - 35 排名
《刀锤大作战》一款创新的决斗砍击大作战游戏,升级的q版角色,酣畅淋漓的成长和战斗,带给你不一样的对战体验! 【多样角色,高冷呆萌应有尽有】 狼外婆的小红帽?洗剪吹的tony老师?秃头的披风侠?小小英雄大大能量,只有你想不到,没有你用不了。 【百变关卡,穿越时空巅峰对决!】 在进化空间,你可以去穿越时空去会会其他英雄,来吧,勇士,去梦中的场景看看!
大小 73.68M 类型 0评分 - 36 排名
Finally, an app to aid you in playing games of Underworlds! Track the game state for you and your opponent: - Never forget the round you are on again! - Keep track of you and your opponents activations! - Two players can use one device, just hit the rotate icon in a two-player game! - Your glory points at your finger tips - and an eye on how much your opponent has scored! - Your last game state is always saved, so even if your phone loses power or you accidentally close the app, your activations and glory are safe! - Supports Arena Mortis, including tracking your initiative! We hope to introduce more features as we move forwards, and to reintroduce augmented reality for scatter moves. Graphic design by Mirko Bruner Development by Paul McCabe Trailer audio by Jedo - https://freesound.org/people/Jedo/ Audio Licensed under Creative Commons - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
大小 85.62M 类型 0评分 - 37 排名
- 38 排名
- 39 排名
神仙道官方正版怀旧服11月28日正式上线! 【游戏职业】 武圣:拳刃碎山河,魂武化重锋。 剑灵:灵动似轻雁,踏月如流星。 飞羽:控弦踏追风,化羽破苍穹。 【游戏特色】 策略最核心 免费伙伴再加强,布阵站位策略至上! 资源更好拿 团本阵营战回归,日常资源产出翻倍! 养成更精简 复杂养成统统精简,轻轻松松得道修仙! 元宝再加倍 来玩即送3500元宝,开服狂领70000元宝! 开局享权益! 一键传承高清版VIP,尊享特权快人一步 悬榜仙道会! 开服竞逐天下第一,重聚问鼎榜上留名!
大小 3641.73M 类型 0评分 - 40 排名
Quick access to your inventory of models, paints, and supply items you need to buy (wish list). You can add notes about your paint recipes, army/miniatures information, and/or any details you want to track. In addition to notes, you can mark the progress status (in %) and add up to 2 pictures per item (from camera or photo album). Share buttons let you share notes, individual pictures, or list of items. This free app allows you to add and track up to 25 entries of models or paints/supplies for free. Give it a try! In-App purchase will let you to have more entries. No subscription required! For unrestricted entries, please select the Unrestricted option. This app is iCloud enabled and compatible with iPhones and iPads iOS14 and later.
大小 1.24M 类型 0评分
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